Important Mobile Home Decorating Questions

Living in a mobile home is a fantastic way to enjoy single family living without adding a large mortgage to the budget. To create rooms of decorated and organized pleasure rather than cluttered and confined chaos, start by asking yourself the following questions.

What Do You Want The Main Look Of The Home To Be?

Decide on a theme or design style and try to be consistent throughout the primary rooms in the mobile home. Most mobile home design includes the kitchen merging into the living room so, in order to avoid a busy look, keep your decor in these connected rooms complimentary.

What Are Your Main Hobbies And Activities?

Mobile home living does not mean you have to give up your favorite hobbies or arts and crafts. You will, however, need to plan storage carefully to prevent a perpetual messy look.

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For instance, if it’s cross stitching or model building, get storage containers that can be easily opened and put sway. These also must be stored in areas of easy access. If these containers are stored too high or with too much detail, you either won’t spend the time to take the project down for risk of losing or breaking certain pieces.

How Many People Will Be Living There?

What ages? It’s important for every person to have a space that's all their own; if possible. This could be a special chair, couch, desk or a section of a wall. It does not have to be large, just personal. On the other hand, too many individual items will make the limited mobile home areas feel crowded.

Think carefully about what you need or don’t need. Try to get down to good quality, bare essentials. Remove or consolidate unneeded or barely used furniture. Get creative to create more space. For example; use a lap top on the couch rather than adding or keeping a PC on a computer desk. In place of a bulky space eating coffee table, use 1 or 2 storage footstools with a flip over tray top. Store those TV remotes and video game controllers inside.

Rather than filling up the living room with large bulky seating, purchase a dining room set with fabric chairs and bring them into the living room for additional sitting comfort, only when needed.

What About Your Stuff?

It’s easy to become very messy if things don’t have a place. It’s imparative to designate a place for everything and discipline every member of the family to return items to these designated spots. Use decorative storage to keep rooms uncluttered.

How Will The Traffic Flow?

The goal is to provide easy spaces to walk anywhere in the room without bumping into furniture. This may take a bit of creative thinking. Try drawing furniture placement on paper as a first step. To do this measure each room from corner to corner and sketch the floor line on paper. Create cut outs of your furniture to the scale of the sketch.

Try several arrangements. If there simply is no room for any more than one arrangement, evaluate the next level of furniture, lamps, pictures on the walls, collections, etc., to see if they can be placed in another space or removed altogether.

What do you want to see when your first walk in the room? If you have nice windows with great lighting keep window treatments simple, everyone feels brighter in sunshine. Hang mirrors across from windows to pull in additional light and create the appearance of greater space.

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Take Advantage Of Expert Advice

Mobile home sale's lots always have models available to tour. Take advantage of these free designer ideas by taking a tour. If you’re unsure of your decorating skills, pick a design you like and try to incorporate what you’ve seen. Study how they did it; it’s all there assembled and displayed for you. If you like the look, simply do what they've done!

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Finally, professional redesigners are experts in rearranging, repurposing and reorganizing the items you already have in your home to create a designer look without spending much money. Check on line for redesigners in your local area. They are experts in doing more with less.

Author Twinkle Brar

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