Playground Safety Tips

Most parents look back to their childhood days with fondness when they think about the carefree days at the playground. Today’s kids are no different. Kids love playing outside and the neighborhood playground is the perfect place to let your young child work out his energy on a nice day. However, as a parent, you must remember that the playground is not all fun and games.

In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 200,000 children visit the hospital each and every year because of injuries sustained on a playground. About 15 of those children die from those injuries, and the sad fact is that many of these injuries could have been prevented.

So, as a responsible parent, what do you do to ensure playground safety for your child? Here are some things to look at before letting your child loose:

The Ground

Many of the injuries that children receive at a playground are caused by falls. For this reason, many cities and individuals are using new surface types to help cushion blows. A good playground should have more than just grass or concrete. Look for a playground that is covered in rubber mats, shredded tires, pea gravel, bark mulch, or wood chips. These are the safest and can potentially help save a child from an unnecessary injury.

Safe Climbing Surfaces

Think about all the things that your child will climb on at a playground. Even pieces of equipment not meant for climbing may become the next rock wall to your child. If you have a very young child, you should make sure that he stays away from horizontal ladders, ropes, and even high monkey bars to help prevent falling and injury. Look for playground equipment that has sturdy handrails and guards in case of falls, and steps that can help your child to safety.

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Inspect the Swings

Swings are great fun, but can quickly become a hazard for children. Before your child takes on any swing, do a quick inspection. Is the swing hanging level? Are the seats soft? Are the swings spaced far enough apart so they won’t hit each other? Are there objects in the way of the swings such as a fence or trees? Most playgrounds have now removed animal shaped swings as well as wooden and metal-seated swings for safety reasons. Also, for toddlers, make sure that there are full bucket seats for maximum safety.

Look at the Slides

Slides are also attractive to kids of all ages. However, the very tall slides that many parents remember as children are things of the past. Safer slides should be made of plastic so as not to burn the skin in hot weather. Also, make sure the slide is anchored properly in the ground. Younger kids will be safer on the shorter slides made just for them.


One thing that you always have to remember that no matter how "safe" the playground is, nothing compares to adequate supervision. You must make sure that you are watching your child at all times to ensure that injuries do not occur.

Don't let these safety tips keep you from taking your child to the playground. It's a great place for play groups to get together. Just by taking some extra precautions, you can be sure that your child will love coming to the playground for years.

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