Popular Dogs

Dogs are probably the most popular pets around the world. Extremely resilient animals, they have the tenacity to survive harsh climates, unfavorable habitats, not to mention temperamental human beings! When acquiring dogs as pets, as a given, most people think of their own needs. Dogs make great companions for the elderly as well as children and are perfect family pets. What the majority of people forget is that each dog has a distinct personality, even though they might belong to the same breed or litter!

Popular Dog Breeds

The most popular breeds in the United States are the Labrador Retriever, the Cocker Spaniel and the English Springer Spaniel. In the United Kingdom, the Labrador Retriever (yet again!), the Yorkshire Terrier and the German Shepherd (Alsatian) make it to the top three. In Canada, the Labrador Retriever (once more!), the Golden Retriever and the German Shepherd (that makes it twice!) top the popularity charts. Labrador Retrievers and Alsatians, therefore, seem to be hot favorites across the globe.

Labrador Retrievers

The Lab or the Labrador or the Labrador Retriever has its origins in Newfoundland, Canada, now a part of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Originally, they were used to retrieve fishing nets to the shore. Available in yellow/gold, chocolate, and black, they harbor a great temperament and are extremely energetic dogs. They enjoy swimming, running, playing, and eating and easily adapt to a variety of situations. The Labrador is the most popular breed of dog (as per records) and is often used to assist police for hunting, tracking and detection, guide the disabled and of course as a family pet.

The Labradors' intelligence and friendliness make it extremely attractive. They have a life span of 12-13 years and potential health problems include epilepsy, hereditary myopathy, hip and elbow dysplasia and skin allergies. In comparison to golden retrievers, labs are more independent and dominating. Interesting pet names for Labs include Alex, Leo (male) and Elsa (female).

The German Shepherd/Alsatian

The first German Shepherd or Alsatian was registered in 1899 and as the name suggests, the breed was primarily used to herd sheep in Germany. Extremely active, intelligent and brave, these dogs are used very often for military purposes. Available in sable as well as black and tan, Alsations tend to be territorial and must be socialized appropriately if kept as pets.

They tend to be very attached and loyal to their owners and require frequent contact. Owners must ensure adequate physical and mental exercise to keep the breed happy.They have a life span of 10-12 years and potential ailments include hip and elbow dysplasia, ear infections and bleeding disorders. Interesting pet names for Alsatians include Prince (male) and Sasha (female).

Dog Care

Regardless of the breed, it is of utmost importance that a dog be treated as a family member with a distinctive personality. It's a good idea to consider the physical and mental space, the living arrangements, training opportunities and schedules, as well as attitudes of family members before bringing home a dog, or, for that matter, any pet. The dog's generosity, affection and loyalty make it a special animal; it's high time that mankind acknowledges this and repays in kind.
