Which Software is Right For Your Blog - Wordpress or Blogger

The two most common and widely known types of software available for bloggers are Wordpress and Blogspot. With the ease of blogging to promote ideas, brands, products, and simply means for families to keep in touch, these two types of free blogging software have become household names. Both have pros and cons.

Blogspot/Blogger Pros

  • Much easier for someone without a technical background to set up and use.
  • Entire set-up takes only about ten minutes, even with no prior blogging knowledge
  • Easier to make money with blog ads thanks to Google Adsense
  • Simple to find other Blogspot blogs and branch out.
  • Easy to design your own blogger templates.
  • Tons of available templates that work with virtually every web browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, etc)
  • Easier to upload different sources of media (pictures, videos and even Google Docs) into a post.

Blogspot/Blogger Cons

  • Site is owned by Blogger and can be shut down if it is flagged due to unfavorable content (i.e. hate speech, certain types of pornography, etc). It's all spelled out in their terms of service.
  • Does not allow for categories of posts.
  • Commenting system frustrating for other users because it's highly confusing, especially if it requires the user to have their own Gmail account.
  • Standard blogger templates are less professional.
  • No plug-ins are available.
  • No ability to make pages.
  • Cannot edit comments within the comment box.

Wordpress Pros

  • Has a number of plug-ins which makes the site more customizable and personable.
  • Implementing plug-ins is very simple.
  • Allows for categories of posts.
  • All content is owned by blog owner and cannot be shut down
  • Commenting only requires name, email and website (optional).
  • Standard templates are more professional.
  • Can add as many tags as you want for each post, increasing search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Ability to add pages, such as an "About Me" section makes the blog more professional.
  • Can edit comments within the comment box.
  • Can individually password protect posts.

Wordpress Cons

  • Requires a more extensive knowledge of the html code
  • Many of the third party templates not designed by Wordpress.org don't work on all of the web browsers (Internet Explorer, Safari, etc)
  • Plug-ins break when blog software is updated and without a working knowledge of the code behind them, aren't easily fixed.
  • More difficult to make ad revenue from Google Ad Sense.
  • Far more difficult to upload different types of media into a post.
  • Cannot edit templates without adding a paid upgrade.

Depending on what the blog would be used for, either of the two most popular blogging platforms out there, Wordpress and Blogspot have their definite advantages and drawbacks. Knowing what the blog is for should help the new blogger decide which type of free software would best meet their blogging needs.

