Women Dating After Divorce - Men's Profiles

When a woman reads a man’s profile on dating sites, she should look for words and phrases that may give insights into that man’s personality. Although, no woman can know very much about a man from his dating-site image, it is true that some answers can say a lot about a person, and divorced women do not need another loser.

The following tips are specifically geared towards baby boomer women and older gals.

His Profile

There is no way to know a man unless one meets him face to face, so the following tips are generalizations. For example, many men write, “I love to just hang out.” This often means that the guy is too broke to go out on dates; however, sometimes this phrase indicates shyness.

A woman must go by her own instincts and "gut feelings", but she may want to consider the following tips when deciding whether to meet a man in person.


“Basics” is the first section of a Match.com profile. Most of these answers are straightforward; however, a woman should note a man’s answers to the following questions.

Relationship Status

One of the first questions has to do with relationship status. For older men, the best answers are:


The other possible answers are "Never Married" and "Currently Separated".

A 50-year-old man who has never been married may have commitment problems. A widower is sometimes a better catch than a divorced man because a divorced man has given half his assets to his ex-wife.

If the answer is “Currently Separated”, this is a huge red flag. The man may have good reasons for being separated and not divorced, however there are too many problems associated with this answer. No one, of any age, should seriously date a man who is “Currently Separated”.


Be on the lookout for odd answers like these, which can be red flags:

-A 54 y/o man seeking a woman who is 18-35 years old.
-A 35 y/o man seeking a woman who is 30-55.

A man who is older and seeking a much younger woman is either new to dating or doesn't understand the realities of dating in this day and age. A man seeking an extremely wide range of ages may be desperate.

Have Kids

One section is called "Have Kids", where a man tells if he has kids. Here are some answers that might be flags.

-“No.” This answer is not always a problem. However, if a man has no children, he might have problems relating to anyone's kids.
-“Yes, and they live at home.” Depending upon the situation, this may be fine. However, some men are looking for a woman to be a nanny to his children.

Last Read

The answers a man gives concerning favorite books and magazines are usually a great indicator of his personality. If a book is unfamiliar, search Amazon.com and read reviews to learn more. A gal can usually tell if the man is a thrill seeker, an intellectual, or a stay-at-home type from his answers.

My Job

Usually, a gal should take a man's answer to "My Job" at face value; however, here are two possible flags.

-If the man says that he is starting up a new business or a new venture, consider the possibility that he has recently lost his job.
-If a man has had many occupations, it is possible that he cannot keep a job.

When a man answers that he is "retired", this can be good or bad. A retired man has less money and will be hanging around the house most of the time. On the other hand, a man with a full bank account will be able to grab a cheap last minute cruise deal for two.

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If a man gives no answer about his income, that is not necessarily a problem. It is so easy for a guy to lie about his income that it is hardly worth a look.


The only way for a woman to get to know a man is to meet him in person at a safe and public place like Starbucks. It is very easy for anyone to lie on a dating profile. On the other hand, most of the men are basically honest and many women have met great husbands online.

Author Paul Linus

Longevity Rocks!
