Big Bend National Park Wildlife

One of the top national parks in the American Southwest, Big Bend in Texas occupies over 800,000 acres of Chihuahuan Desert that is all but monotonous. With over a mile of altitude difference in the park, numerous species of animals thrive within its boundaries. Following is some of the wildlife in Big Bend National Park.

Big Bend National Park Wildlife: Mammals

Black bears, mountain lions, occasional bobcats, coyotes, gray foxes, and kit foxes are the main predatory mammals that are found in the park, though weasels and badgers are seen at times. Mule deer, white-tailed deer, javelina, and on rare occasion, elk, pronghorn, and bighorn sheep have been spotted in Big Bend. Several species of mice and rats (including two types of kangaroo rats) as well as desert cottontail and black-tailed jackrabbits, dozens of species of bats, and several types of skunks also live in the Texas Chihuahuan Desert.

Birds of the Chihuahuan Desert at Big Bend National Park in Texas

Birds of prey that live in the area include Golden Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks and other hawks, American Kestrels, Peregrine Falcons and Prairie Falcons. Scaled Quail, and occasionally Gambel's Quail and Wild Turkey, can also be seen in the park, as can ravens and a few species of jays. Roadrunners are fairly numerous throughout the Chihuahuan Desert, as small reptiles, upon which they feed are also quite common. Dozens of species of songbirds, including warblers, orioles, blackbirds, sparrows, towhees, and more can be seen in Big Bend as well.

Reptiles in Big Bend in the Chihuahuan Desert

In dry, arid environments, reptiles can abound. The Chihuahuan Desert is home to many species of snakes, lizards, turtles, and frogs and toads. Western diamondback rattlesnakes, rock rattlesnakes, black-tailed rattlesnakes, and Mojave rattlesnakes are the rattlers that live in Big Bend National Park in Texas. Several other species of snakes, and many species of small lizards and geckos are also found in the park. There are four species of turtles that can be seen in Big Bend, and several species of frogs and toads that feed on insects live in the park.

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Other Animals in the Texas Chihuahuan Desert

Insect life in Big Bend is expansive. Butterflies, beetles, ants, and many other bugs are found in the park, and they provide food for some birds, rodents, and lizards. Scorpions are quite common in the Southwestern United States, as tropical and arid environments are their prime habitats. Most fish in the Rio Grande are small and minnow sized, but three species of catfish are found in the park.

Interactions among various types of animals in the park are frequent. Coyotes, foxes, and birds of prey feed on rodents, snakes, and lizards, and rattlesnakes feed almost exclusively on small rodents like mice and rats. Bears feed on vegetation, larger prey that they can catch, such as deer, and carrion. There is likely no better place to see desert nature firsthand than in the Chihuahuan Desert at Big Bend National Park, where wildlife is beautiful and diverse.
