Ways to Boost a Website's Search Engine Ranking

Google, MSN, Yahoo and other major search engines employ a variety of tracking and crawling technologies and methodologies to track, study and analyze key words, key phrases and key titles. Key words, phrases and titles are common key terms that are entered into a website browser by people who are searching the internet for information.

Search engines consistently and intricately track and trend the key terms searched by users on the internet. The search engines also continuously check the internet for new content, websites, web pages and articles.

As search engines locate the new information and key terms; they are studied, stacked, tracked and ranked against other sites to determine the ranking. Search engines will rank a site according to key word and key phrase density, the number of relevant back links as well as the daily new and repeat traffic ratings.

There are several strategies that can be employed by website owners and designers to boost a website’s ranking and improve a site’s chances of being picked up and favorably listed by major search engines.

Quality Relevant Content with Key Word Density will boost a Website's Search Engine Ranking

A website is only as good as the content and information being provided to visitors; and those visitors will only find a website by entering specific keywords or phrases into a search engine. With that in mind, right balance is crucial:

  • Write creative, well written and interesting articles that will attract new visitors and encourage repeat traffic to the site.
  • When writing content for a website it is important to use key words and phrases several times throughout an article.
  • Key words should be included in the title of the article and then used again in both the first and last paragraph.
  • Refrain from overusing or stuffing an article with keywords as it can detract from the quality of the site.

Search engine providers do not recommend “Stuffing” or excessively repeating key words and phrases throughout an article. It can also become a distraction to visitors ultimately driving them away from a site.

Search Engine Ranking will Skyrocket with the Use of Back-links

Back links are a strategic way to improve traffic and draw new readership to a site. Back links will significantly increase a website's visibility and search engine ranking.

  • Many sites have a page titled "links" where they offer link exchanges with other sites.
  • A link exchange can be done by filling out an online link exchange form or by sending an email to the site requesting a link exchange.
  • Look for a link exchange with professional looking, relevant sites that possess a relatively high ranking.
  • Back links can be achieved by submitting an article to another site for use as long as a back link is included. Websites will often publish articles that include back links to another site.

Back links and link exchanges are a relatively simple yet extremely effective way to get a website noticed.

Social Networks and Subscriber Lists will Increase a Website's Popularity and Ranking

Free social networking sites are a goldmine of opportunity. They can drive traffic to a site, expand a customer base, lead to link exchange opportunities and provide opportunities for new business affiliates and advertising.

  • Twitter and Facebook are networking and promotional tools available free of charge.
  • Sign up, create a profile, join groups, become fans, and "tweet" with others.
  • Subscriber lists are another way for websites to boost traffic. Lists are usually in the form of newsletters and RSS feeds.
  • Newsletters and RSS feeds require little work and allow readers to stay up to date on new products, articles and news feeds.

Social networks and subscriber lists are a great way to market a site, network with other businesses, draw new and repeat traffic and improve a website’s ranking.

To maintain a top search engine ranking it is important to remain strategic and focused. A website will rise to the top if it incorporates the use of fresh, relevant content, effective keyword placement, utilization of social networking tools and plenty of back links from other sites.
