Chile's Remote Archipielago of Chiloe

Chiloe is like stepping back in time with islanders still making a living from agriculture and fishing. Most visitors come to see some of the 150 wooden churches as well as the uniquely Chilote shingled buildings and palafitos (houses built on stilts over the water).

Other activities include eating seafood, visiting penguin colonies, agrotourism excursions to visit locals and hiking Chiloe's national park.

Attractions of Chiloe

  • UNESCO World Heritage churches. These colourful and artistic churches were founded by the Jesuits and built by the skillful hands of the Indians in the 18th and 19th centuries. They used the resources they had to hand, wood, to create unique Chilote monuments.
  • Palafitos in Castro on Isla Grande de Chiloe are protected national monuments. From the street they look like an ordinary house, however they extend over the river on stilts used by fisherman to tie up their boats.
  • Boat and sea kayak trips around the islands to visit Spanish forts and traditional fishing villages.
  • ChiloĆ© National Park on the wild Pacific coast where there are miles of beaches and temperate rainforest to explore. Hiking the coast visitors can see a variety of birds, foxes and pygmy deer.
  • Curanto, the island's signature dish, is a hotchpotch of meat, shellfish, potatoes, beans, fish, etc which is cooked on hot stones in the ground.
  • Magellanic and Humbolt penguins inhabit 3 islands off the coast. Travel agencies in Ancud and Castro on Isla Grande de Chiloe can organise excursions.
  • Artesan markets selling local crafts.

Legends and Mythological Creatures of Chiloe Chiloe's Isolation has inspired some colourful and downright scary creatures;

  • Trauco, a deformed and ugly dwarf, is famous for seducing and ravishing young girls. He also has super human strength and throws his enemies into the air turning them rigid with deformed hands, arms and legs, or kills them with a glance.
  • Volodora is a witch who can turn herself into a bird to become a sorcerers messenger. It is believed she actually remains on the ground while the devil flies for her.

Getting Around Chiloe's Attractions

Castro is the capital of Chiloe, the island's largest city and transportation hub.

  • Rural bus services to small villages depart from Terminal de Buses Rurales.
  • Long distance buses depart from Cruz de Sur and even go as far as Punta Arenas, 36 hours travel.
  • Taxi Colectivos are faster and convenient for nearby destinations.

Tours Around Chiloe

  • Austral Adventures offers wildlife and scenic tours both land and water based. For the more adventurous there are sea kayak tours and homestays in farmhouses.
  • In Castro Turismo Isla Grande and Turismo Pehuen run tours to nearby islands and the national park.

Getting to Chiloe

Puerto Montt is a major transport hub with frequent flights arriving from the capital Santiago and regular public buses departing to Chiloe. Buses travel 56 km to Pargua where passengers board a ferry for a half hour crossing to Chacoa on Isla Grande de Chiloe. From there the bus continues to Castro the main town on Isla Grande de Chiloe. There are no flights to Chiloe.

When to Visit Chiloe
Summer months of January and February are the driest. The Archipielago sits off shore from Chile's Ainsen region in Northern Patagonia, an area of fjords,forests and high rainfall. Outside summer the islands are often blanketed in mist and rain and tourist services are greatly reduced.
