Genetics and Health

Genetics give people three distinct body types - endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph. These body types provide different metabolisms and realistic body goals. No matter how much John Goodman dieted and exercised, he’d never look like Brad Pitt. The John Goodmans and even the Brad Pitts must know what exercises and foods work best with the genetics they have been given.


Some people talk about “metabolomics” to lose weight. The problem with this is that it is not readily available to all people. In order to go on this diet, one must see a physician to take the Basal (resting) Metabolic Test, stress test and other tests. After these tests, the doctors want people to go on their diet with their engineered foods. All this is time consuming and can get expensive.

A simpler, less time consuming and cheaper way to eat based on your metabolism exists. The simple question everyone must ask is if they are a hunter or a gatherer. The easy way to answer this is finding out what you crave. Do you crave carbohydrates or protein?

The hunter is a meat eater. The hunter’s body will respond well to a high protein diet with up to fifty percent of calories coming from it. The hunter must avoid carbohydrates at night.

The gatherer gets a headache or light-headed when they’ve gone too long without carbohydrates. The gatherer craves carbohydrates. These carbohydrates should come in the form of natural produce. If the carbohydrate calories come from produce, up to seventy percent of intake is safe. Both the hunter and gatherer respond well to eating nuts and seeds.


Now you know what to eat but what exercises should each body type perform? What type of workout fits with your body type? The first step is knowing your body type.

The endomorph will never be a runway model. A short neck, wide hips and easy fat storage characterize an endomorph. However, while this body type may be difficult to deal with, it does not guarantee a life of obesity. Endomorphs have won Mr. Universe titles in bodybuilding and are stellar in power sports. Therefore, the endomorph body responds well to lifting heavy weights. They have no problem building muscle but must be extra careful with how much food they consume.

The mesomorph wears “athletic fit” clothes. Wide shoulders, small waist and proportioned weight characterize the mesomorph. Mesomorphs have excelled at all speed and power sports. The mesomorph can vary training methods throughout the year. As far as weight is concerned, the adult mesomorph has little trouble building muscle or losing fat.

The ectomorph is your runway model and endurance athlete. Long legs and arms, narrow feet and thin muscles characterize the ectomorph. Given these genetic traits, the ectomorph will excel at long-distance running and vertical sports such as basketball or volleyball. Due to the long legs and arms, the ectomorph easily hides weight gain but can lose it easily. They also have a hard time gaining muscle.
