How to Detox Effectively

However, a decent detox regime does not need to be punishing or stressful. Rather, it can be a great way of eliminating toxins and promoting good health and sensible weight loss. After the excesses of the holiday season, many people can feel bloated and unhealthy, and detoxing promises to provide a way of losing weight and increasing energy quickly.

Many magazines promote radical detoxes which involve colonics, fasting and an extreme intake of vitamin and mineral supplements. Despite this, it can be just as simple to detox using cheap and simple methods which can fit easily into a daily routine and be carried out at home.

The following tips support a quick and effective detox without the trauma of following a rigid plan.

Simple Ways to Detox

  • Drinking Water

Drink more liquid to reduce dehydration and flush out toxins. Keep water intake within sensible levels.

  • Taking Moderate Exercise

Half an hour of moderate exercise daily will support the body to gain energy and reduce stress.

  • Eating Fresh Uncooked Food

Fresh uncooked food retains its full quota of vitamins, enhancing wellbeing and supporting the body to eliminate toxins.

  • Juicing

Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables such as fennel, cucumber, melon and apples allows the body to gain optimum nutrition with minimal effort.

  • Psyllium Husks

These help the body to eliminate waste and promote a healthy digestion.

  • Herbal Teas

Teas such as green, nettle, fennel and milk thistle all help to eliminate toxins, containing antioxidants and other benefits to promote wellbeing.

  • Vitamin Supplements

Taking supplements such as essential omega oils support the body’s digestion and good health, and increase immunity against illness.

  • Body Brushing and Exfoliation

This supports the skin to discard dead cells and encourages the circulation.

  • Cutting Out Caffeine and Other Toxins

Eliminating toxins such as alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine all supports the body to reach optimal health.

By following the steps above, it is possible to lose weight and feel fantastic without undue effort or stress. The remedies are all relatively cheap and simple, yet promote improved health.

The Benefits of Simple Detoxing

A brief detox can offer a number of benefits for health and wellbeing. These include:

Promoting clear skin and healthy nails and hair. The nutrients taken in by the fresh vegetables and fruits consumed all benefit the appearance, reducing pore and skin damage and leaving a clear complexion and strengthened nails.


Gradual weight loss. When the body is given enough nutrients and liquid to maintain an optimal balance, weight loss follows as a natural result. In addition, the bloating caused by lack of fibre, poor diet and reduced water intake is eliminated. This leads to a more svelte and toned appearance, and promotes wellbeing.

Increased energy. By getting the right amount of sleep, reducing alcohol and caffeine intake and feeding the body with all the goodness it needs, it is possible to increase energy tenfold. Surprisingly, exercise creates energy as it leaves the body feeling relaxed and therefore more able to enjoy sleep and be more alert when awake.
