How to Lose 10 Pounds for the Beach

As the summer gets closer and closer, thoughts inevitably turn to the holidays. Finally, it is time to relax and enjoy the sun. But all those stops at Starbucks and the fast food habit that developed over the winter have left a spare tire rather than a six pack. Time is short, so what is the most effective way to shift 10 pounds fast so that it isn't necessary to spend the whole summer wearing a shirt?

Dietary Changes to Lose 10 Pounds Rapidly

Clearly nobody wants to go on a starvation diet, but when time is short, radical measures are needed. The good news is that with discipline those 10 pounds can disappear in a month or so without starving. Obviously, the ideal solution is to clean up the diet immediately and cut out all junk food. This is a great lifestyle change, but a rapid fat-loss quest is going to need to go further. For the next month,all starchy carbs are gone. Things that are on the banned list include:

  • bread
  • pasta
  • breakfast cereals

All meals from now on should be composed of foods that have a high satiety level and are nutrient dense without being calorie dense. Green or cruciferous vegetables should be present at every meal. Recent studies have shown that certain cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower and broccoli act directly to reduce belly fat which is good news for anyone trying to get lean.

Also, and despite what is regularly touted around the internet, eating six to seven times a day is not a good idea for dieters. If the body is being fed calories every couple of hours, there is little time or incentive to burn fat. In fact, incorporating intermittent fasting either on a daily fasting cycle or as a longer fast once or twice a week will have the body burning those love handles at a much greater rate. Eating three meals a day between 1pm and 9pm with each meal composed of lean protein, vegetables and fish oil as well as drinking green tea and large amounts of water will see the weight drop off.

Training Right to Lose 10 Pounds Fast

Once the diet is sorted, the next thing to deal with is training. The first thought of many who wish to lose weight fast for the summer is to do as much steady stated cardio as possible. Running for three hours a day seems like a good idea. This is without doubt the worst approach to take to fat loss. Doing five to seven training sessions in a week for four weeks will yield impressive results. These sessions should be composed of strength training to maintain or increase muscle mass, sprints, and other non-traditional forms of conditioning. Long, slow cardio should only be added in after this as a finishing touch. Here are some ideas for interesting and effective conditioning that will keep the body burning fat for hours after the end of the session.

  • Farmers walks
  • tire flipping
  • hill sprints
  • barbell complexes
  • 400-metre sprints
  • burpees
  • heavy bag work
  • skipping

The real beauty of training like this is that the sessions are always interesting. Simply choose one or more of these activities and work as hard as possible for 30 minutes or so. Combining three sessions in the gym with three to four conditioning sessions and a clean diet will strip the fat from the body in record time and have a beach ready body in a few short weeks.
