How to Shop for Tweens and Teens

Tweens and teens can be difficult to shop for – they are caught between childhood interests and the desire to be seen as adults. The gift giver doesn’t want to give anything too young but also wants to avoid giving items overly mature for the tween’s age. However, gifts can be found for this age group, even at the local drug store.

Make a Grooming Basket

Give tweens items that are for their use instead something that everyone in the family uses. The boy with a few wispy mustache hairs will be secretly thrilled to receive his first razor. Teen girls will have fun with an array of scented body washes and lotions. Fill a gift bag with an assortment of grooming and styling products.

Select items that are “treats.” Skip the basic supplies that they have on hand like shampoo and deodorant. Avoid items for eliminating acne, oily hair, or dry skin as those can be embarrassing to open in front of others (and suggest that they need to be “fixed” as a person). Sample or travel-size items are great as are gift boxed products found around the holiday season.

Make a Snack Basket

For the tween or teen who is always going from activity to activity, pull together a bag of snacks to keep them energized between meals. Fill a basket or gift bag with an assortment of treats from chips to candy bars to 100-calorie snack packs. Pull together a mix of healthy and decadent treats.

Give a Magazine Subscription

Not only are there magazines geared to tweens and teens, but at this age, they will also appreciate a subscription to a more grown up magazine. Fashion magazine advertising to adults can be risqué, so flip through those (or any) magazines to check out the ads. Whether the teen has a special interest in cars or cooking, there is a magazine out there on that topic.

Buy a copy of a magazine off the rack to gift wrap. Either mail in a subscription card with payment (to avoid delays in starting the subscription) or go online to order a gift subscription.

Gift Cards

Probably the safest fall-back for tweens and teens is a gift card for iTunes or a store that they frequent. Unlike adults who’ll tuck a gift card away and forget to use it, this age group will appreciate the free shopping spree that they’ll be able to go on. If the teen lives in a different area, check with the parents that the store is nearby.

Also, ask parents if the tween or teen is saving up for an expensive item, like a video game system. Several gift cards to the same store from different people can make a big difference to the teen.

Other Gifts for Tweens and Teens

Depending on the size of the drug store, look for tee shirts or sweatshirts, often bearing the logos of local professional sports teams. Permanent markers in fun colors or an assortment of art or stationary items will be appreciated by tweens and teens with an interest in art. For girls allowed to paint their nails, fill a mini bag with assorted nail polish colors, polish remover, and cotton balls.

Although this is a challenging age group to shop for, many birthday and holiday gifts can be found at the local drug store. Look for items that reflect the girl or boy’s current interests as well as their desire to be treated as a mature individual instead of a little kid. Look for magazines, grooming supplies, and gift cards that give tweens and teens the feeling of independence.
