A Stop Along La Ruta del Sol: Surfing in Montañita, Ecuador

The Town of Montañita

Just three hours away from the hub of Guayaquil, Ecuador, Montañita is a lively town for those wishing to stay for a longer vacation or make a several day stop along their Ruta del Sol journey. For whatever reasons travelers may end up there – the local food specialties of fish cooked in coconut milk, the delicious restaurants, the numerous Spanish schools, or even the nightlife – you can't leave Montañita before trying surfing.

At night, the small grid of Montañita is lit up with restaurants, the streets are lined with food carts, and artisans draped in their wares wander the beaches. The feeling is exotic and diverse. The next morning, however, wander out on an empty beach–most are still sleeping–the sky might be overcast and everything will be soft: soft sand, sun, and heat. Watch the waves break and the cluster of surfers huddled out by La Punta, a popular surf spot at the north end of the beach, undulating with the waves, waiting. Crabs scurry into their holes and pelicans skim over the crests of waves. It is beautiful, peaceful, and the perfect time to grab a board and surf.

Getting There

Whether you fly into Guayaquil or bus in from the mountains of Ecuador either from Cuenca or Quito, you will probably need to take a three-hour bus trip to get the rest of the way to Montañita, unless you'd like a taxi. Go to the main bus station in Guayaquil and start asking around to see when the next bus will depart. Important questions to ask are:

  • Whether or not it is direct;
  • If there is air-conditioning; and
  • The price.

Generally speaking, buses charge about $1/hour, but if they are direct or air-conditioned they will cost more. Another option is to catch a bus to Santa Elena and from there take another bus to Montañita. The time will still be about three hours.

If you wait for any amount of time along the highway, people are bound to pull over and ask if you'd like a ride. Hitch-hiking is very common along La Ruta del Sol, but remember this is still a high-risk travel practice.

Surfing There: Boards and Surfing Lessons

The town is small enough that it is very walkable and you will soon find about half a dozen shops advertising surfboard rentals, usually around $5/hour. If you'd like an early morning start, just ask if you can rent a board the night before. For beginners, sign up for a lesson. Inquire within a surf shop. The lessons will usually include a shirt (for protection against the sun), a board, and an instructor. The prices and availability will vary from shop to shop.
