Master Cleanse – Detoxify Your Body

The Master Cleanse to detoxify your body is a highly popular detox program that’s used by celebrities, like Beyonce, and those in the field of natural health and healing. It’s said to be a great liver gallbladder cleanse that can help users feel healthier and also lose weight.

Mixed Reviews About The Master Cleanse

Some health practitioners believe the detox plan is too long and too extreme. On the other side of the coin, there are those who swear by the Lemonade Diet cleansing, saying it’s helped them lose weight and feel better than ever. As with any diet detox plan, the user must proceed with caution and be sure it fits her current lifestyle and health level.

Detox Benefits

For those who have already done the Master Cleanse, they’ve found that it works for them and has helped with such things as:

  • Extreme weight loss (some reporting a 40 pound drop in weight or more)
  • Detoxification of the kidneys, liver, colon, and blood
  • Increased energy levels
  • Stronger libido
  • Clearer thinking
  • Better skin
  • Higher self-esteem and better mood
  • Hormone regulation and balance
  • Decrease in cravings for junk food, sweets, tobacco and alcohol
  • Enhanced ability to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle when the master cleanse detox is over

Detox Side Effects

Following a Master Cleanse detoxing can cause some uncomfortable symptoms such as:

Abdominal cramps due to the powerful effect this detox plan has on your bowels
Fatigue in the first few days of the body cleanse due to a drastic drop in calorie consumption
Flu-like symptoms as toxins are being flushed from the body
Cleanse followers report that these uncomfortable symptoms go away within a few days.

Length Of Master Cleanse

If you do some research on various Master Cleanse websites, you’ll see that the recommended time to do the body detox is at least five days. It’s said that if you do it for fewer days you won’t reap all of the benefits of this weight loss cleanse. Most people tend to stick with it for the full 10 days and some do it longer. Unless you detox under the supervision of your health care adviser, you might want to think twice about doing it longer than five days, though everyone is different.

What’s on the Detox Plan

When following the Lemonade Diet cleansing, you’ll drink the master cleanse recipe each day and avoid all solid foods for the duration of the cleanse. This is why so many people find it difficult to stick to the master cleanse. It takes a lot of willpower.

If you want to try out the Master Cleanse to detoxify your body, do your research and try it out for a weekend first to see if it’s right for you. If you do well on it and your health practitioner gives you the go-ahead based on your current health level, then try it for longer if you wish to. Many, many people report great success with it and find that it’s a good way to drop a substantial amount of weight in a short amount of time.
