Must Watch Movies for Halloween

The scary movie genre is not a favorite of everyone but it does have a large following. Many of the movie channels offer horror movies throughout the month of October. AMC, Cinemax, HBO, and even Showtime show more horror films during October than during the other months. If you're interested, it is easy to find a channel showing something with creatures that go bump in the night. Friday the 13th, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street and Night of The Living Dead are all classics with many sequels and remakes for the viewing audience, however some movies are considered “must-sees” for the genre fans.

The following is a list of my personal favorites, go to the local video store and pick up a few or all of them and be prepared to sleep with the lights on.

Horror and Comedy

Fright Night

In 1985 a form of horror captured a new and youthful audience. It was horror with comedy. Watching Charley Brewster discover that his new next door neighbor Jerry is a blood sucking vampire kept horror fans on tenterhooks but the interplay between him and his group of non-believing friends allowed a half-smile to stay on our faces. This movie also has a sequel but it did not do as well at the box office and it is usually the original that is played during the month of October. As Chris Sarandon said in the movie, “This is Fright Night, for real.”


In 1996 another comedy horror film was released that was directed and co-written by Peter Jackson. The Frighteners, which is often overlooked by movie goers is really a great horror movie. It has Michael J. Fox in a leading role in a really fast paced live-action feature film. The film was not a big hit at the box office but as is often the case when the viewers pan it, the critics loved it. The film is still one of my favorites and has a very evil bad guy brilliantly played by Jake Busey, (son of Gary).

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

Stir of Echoes

Kevin Bacon is an actor who has been known to take chances and try different avenues. He has a rock band, TV, songwriting, and even a world famous game, so it was no surprise he would try horror again. He was actually in the first Friday the 13th. Stir of Echoes is a psychological thriller that drags the audience in and makes it painful to watch the screen. Kevin’s character is unaware of what is happening and the audience is not sure either. It was released in 1999 but is contemporary and holds its own with the horror flicks of today.

Sixth Sense

Of course this release in 1999 had movie goers keeping one of the biggest secrets of all time. If you still haven’t watched this horror film I won’t spill it now but it is a great knock you on your bottom surprise. Bruce Willis gives a great and believable performance as a psychiatrist helping a young man who sees “dead people”. Although M. Night Shyamalan has written and produced other movies since this one, I still see this film as his shining moment.

Foreign Films and Fright

The Devils Backbone

This movie that was released in 2001 is the ultimate ghost story. Although it contains English subtitles it is definitely worth the watch. In comparing it to other horror movies of its time, such as The Others and The Sixth Sense for scare factor it usually comes out on top. The movie centers on an orphanage during a war. The tension from the war and the children being displaced add darkness to the mood of the film. There are several very scary and disturbing moments that actually will make you cover your eyes. It is one of the best foreign horror movies.

The Others

In 2001 the Spanish director Alejandro Amenabar directed Nicole Kidman in a horror movie that has one of the surprise endings so enjoyed by horror buffs. The movie won eight Goya Awards (Spain’s film awards) and was one of the few to win without a single Spanish word being spoken. The mood and look of the film is dark and foreboding and makes the viewer scared before the ending brings a stunned look to your face.

Jian Gui (The Eye)

Speaking of foreign horror movies the Japanese have created some really scary movies. From Ju-on (The Grudge) to Jian Gui (The Eye) the American remakes are often nowhere as frightening as the Japanese originals. However the 2008 version of The Eye with Jessica Alba makes a good try. It builds suspense and keeps the viewer wondering what the outcome will be. But to be truly terrified it is better to rent Jian Gui and see the movie as it was intended.

And the last movie on my list of top 10 must sees will be out this month and is directed by Clint Eastwood. As with Kevin Bacon, we have come to expect pushing the envelope when it comes to Clint Eastwood. His foray into horror did just that, but hopefully he will bring his own personal touch to the subject.

Hereafter deals with a subject that scares most people at one time or the other, death. Matt Damon stars in the movie that weaves three stories together to look at what happens when we die. While some critics have felt the movie is lacking and not Eastwoods best effort, others have written rave reviews. As noted with some of the other horror gems it is often the viewing public that makes a movie a box office hit. Who knows maybe this movie will find its way to a top ten list in the future.
