What to do About a Bad Haircut

You went to the barber or salon and sat there feeling helpless as he cut the crown too short, the bangs too long, and destroyed your innocent mutton chops. Now you feel like a five year old who let his mom cut his hair. Your need to fix your hairstyle or feel uncomfortable until it grows out. Unless you can make amends with the lashing that those clippers gave your doo, you should probably ‘doo’ something about it. Here is a list of suggestions on how to go about fixing a bad haircut.

Go back and ask him to cut your hair again

There is no shame in exercising your rights as a consumer. If you have the nerve (and some people don’t), do not be afraid of going back and asking him to fix the mistake that he made. Remember that you paid for a service and if it wasn’t done satisfactorily you have the right to ask him to correct it. Most of the time the hairdresser or barber will be happy to make amends. On the off chance that he isn't so appeasing and he decides to huff about it, consider finding another barber.

Ask a friend to fix it for you

You may have a friend with a hidden talent for hair design. It only takes a compassionate pal and a pair of scissors to fix where the stylist went terribly wrong. Just make sure it is someone you really trust. All too often, people will take advantage of you when you’re sitting in a chair, facing away from them, and they have the scissors… and the power. Don’t have any friends? Call your mom. Issues with your mom? Proceed to suggestion 3.

Fix your haircut yourself

Now’s the time to try and cut your own hair. It’s as good an opportunity as you’re ever going to get. If you’re more the military type, then running the clippers over your scalp for the buzz cut shouldn’t be a problem. If you think it’s going to be more complicated than that, be sure to take your time and go slowly. Take a finger sized piece of hair and cut it a little bit at a time. Who knows? Perhaps a little creative styling could get you looking better than you thought you could. If you ever wanted to get a mohawk but your mom wouldn’t let you, you should take this chance to spite her.

Shave your head

Shaving your head could be just the thing the doctor ordered, but there are some things you should consider before doing so. Consider the shape of your skull, your head, and the features of your face and ask yourself if the Mr. Clean look is right for you. I recommend using a pair of clippers with the shortest attachment and going over the whole head, and after that, taking a some shaving cream and a razor to finish up the job. If you’re more of the pompadour type and none of the above seems to work for you, then really you’ve only got one option left if you want to hide a bad hairstyle.

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Introduce yourself to the wonderful “World of Hats”

If it’s too short to fix and you don’t want to shave it, consider hats. Hats are neat. You can try a fedora, baseball cap, toque, knitted cap, newsboy cap, something with a pom-pom on it, or one of those kinds of hats that the communists wear. Anything to cover that Raggedy Andy thing you have going on up there. It’ll only be a few weeks before it grows out and you can go back to the barber for another follicular slaughter.

So if you don’t know what to do about your bad haircut, try any of the above and you’ll be back to your dashing self before you know it.
