Preventing Hair Breakage

Various hair care products claim to restore hair strength and help hair to grow. One buys these products with the hope they will live up to their claims. Some products do make the hair appear stronger and sometimes we see that our hair has grown longer after a few weeks. However, these products do not make our hair grow longer and do not alter or restructure the hair shaft to make it thicker, which makes it stronger. What they do is moisturize the hair and help prevent hair breakage, which allows hair to grow to its normal length.

The Life and Death of Hair

While within the follicle, hair is still alive. Once it emerges from the follicle, it is dead. Hair has a set length to which it will grow if it does not break first. Unfortunately, since hair is dead, it is vulnerable to breakage that prevents it from reaching its potential length.

Since hair is dead outside of the follicle, it is necessary to treat hair delicately. Improper hair maintenance and abuse will lead to damaged hair that breaks off easily. However, certain ingredients found in many hair care products help the hair retain moisture and coat the hair shaft so that daily handling of the hair will cause minimal breakage.

Ingredients That Help Prevent Breakage

It is has been said that alcohol is bad for hair; however,that is only partly true. Certain alcohols are beneficial to the hair and actually help prevent hair breakage. Three of the most common ingredients found in shampoos and conditioners are alcohols: cetyl alcohol, panthenol, and stearyl alcohol.

Cetyl and stearyl alcohols are surfactants that coat the hair to detangle it and make it softer to the touch. Panthenol binds to the hair follicle in order to attract moisture to the hair. Just like cetyl and stearyl alcohols, panthenol also coats the hair shaft, detangling the hair and making it easier to comb with less breakage.

Some plant and fruit oils like jojoba, olive, coconut, almond and tea tree oils help prevent hair breakage. They provide moisture to the hair follicle when applied to the scalp and once combed through the hair they help to moisturize and soften the hair shaft. These oils can be applied directly to the hair in small amounts to provide addedmoisture and protection from heat styling and the sun. The moisture benefits of these oils prevent the hair from becoming dry and brittle, thus minimizing hair breakage during styling.

It's Up to You

Healthy hair that grows is what many desire. Choosing products that contain ingredients which help prevent hair breakage is crucial. Not only will the hair break less often, but it will be softer to the touch and more manageable. Choose your hair care products wisely and handle your hair delicately to maintain its health and length.
