Biography of the Professional Wrestler Raven

Scott Levy has wrestled under several different names in his professional wrestling career, but he is most well known for wrestling as Raven. He wrestled under that name most prominently in the original Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW), though he brought the character with him to World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA).

Scott Levy as Scotty the Body

Scott Levy made his professional wrestling debut in 1988. He wrestled as Scotty the Body in Continental Wrestling Association. After that he joined All Star Wrestling, but quit soon after because he felt he was being underused. He then went on to Pacific Northwest Wrestling. He stayed there for three years before moving on to Global Wrestling Federation, based in Texas. There Levy gained some commentating experience, which he would use later in his career.

Scott Levy as Scotty Flamingo in WCW

Levy joined World Championship Wrestling (WCW) in 1992, where he wrestled as Scotty Flamingo. He gained a measure of fame since he was now on national television, and won the Light Heavyweight title from Brian Pillman. He also won a boxing match against Johnny B. Badd at Clash of the Champions XXI. He left the company in July 1993.

Scott Levy as Johnny Polo in the World Wrestling Federation

In 1993, Scott Levy joined the World Wrestling Federation, where they christened him as Johnny Polo, an obnoxious rich guy from Palm Beach, Florida. He did very little wrestling as Polo. He was mostly a manager and occasional commentator, as well as co-host of All-American Wrestling with Gorilla Monsoon. Polo managed Adam Bomb and then The Quebecers, Jacques Rougeau and Carl “Pierre” Ouellet.

Johnny Polo engaged in a managerial feud with Captain Lou Albano, who was manager of The Headshrinkers Samu and Fatu. When Johnny lost a match to Albano, he was forced to shave his goatee, showing that Polo was mainly seen as a comic foil in the World Wrestling Federation. He left the company in 1994.

Scott Levy as Raven in ECW

Levy emerged in 1995 as Raven in Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW), where he gained the most fame. He was no longer the spoiled rich kid or obnoxious funny guy. He was morose, anti-social, and grungy. He had high-profile feuds with Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman. His feud with Sandman had a controversial moment when he tied Sandman to a giant cross, an act that angered many fans. Raven later apologized.

Raven was ECW Heavyweight Champion three times, and had his own group of followers called Raven’s Nest. It consisted of Stevie Richards, Vampire Warrior (later known as Gangrel in WWE), The Blue Meanie, Brian Lee and many others. Raven fit in well with the hardcore style of wrestling in ECW that would later become part of his repertoire in World Wrestling Entertainment.

Scott Levy as Raven in WCW

Levy joined WCW again in 1997, remaining Raven. Some of his members of the Raven’s Nest followed him, and the group became known as The Flock. He feuded with Stevie Richards and Chris Jericho among others. His time in WCW was mostly spent rejecting authority and ordering around his followers. Levy tired of his time in the company however and left in 1999.

Scott Levy as Raven in WWE

After a one-year stint back in ECW, Raven debuted in the World Wrestling Federation in 2000, with Johnny Polo long forgotten. He won his first Hardcore Championship match against Steve Blackman, making it the first of his eventual twenty-six Hardcore title reigns. He did not have many high-profile angles but he was involved with WCW/ECW Alliance storyline in 2001.

Raven was thereafter relegated to Sunday Night Heat and Excess as a commentator, which he had done in his previous stint in the World Wrestling Federation. That lasted for a couple of months and he then bounced on and off of Raw as a wrestler. He was released from WWE in January 2003.

Scott Levy as Raven in TNA

In 2003 Raven joined Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA). He set his sights on the NWA World Heavyweight title (the main title of TNA) and eventually won it during a King of the Mountain match in January 2005. He later formed another group called Serotonin. He eventually left TNA in 2008 (though he came back for a brief time in 2009) and went on to the independent wrestling scene where he remains today.

Although Raven has rarely been a main-event superstar, he has made an impact everywhere he has gone. He has won many championships and formed unusual wrestling characters that many were drawn to, in storylines and out. He has proven to be multi-talented with wrestling, managing and commentating skills. Wherever he chooses to continue his career, he will be unique.
