How To Get A Mortgage With Bad Credit

Applying for homeowner loans or a mortgage for people with bad credit these days has become something of a challenge for many people, but it is not impossible. There are ways to find lenders who will finance a home mortgage applicants with damaged credit. Becoming armed with as much knowledge as possible about the situation should pay off in the end.

The Mortgage Loan Application Process

The application process for getting the best home loans or home mortgage refinancing with bad credit is much like applying for any other kind of mortgage or loan. The lender will examine the credit report, and want to know about a person's employment history and if he or she is working at the time of the application, whether it be to refinance home equity loans or apply for a new mortgage loan. He will want reassurance that the applicant will be able to continue to make mortgage payments on down the road. He’ll check the amount of debt currently owed and how much cash the individual has available.

Make a Large Downpayment on the House

To turn the tide in favor of the person applying for a mortgage loan, financial information should be supplied showing a willingness on the part of the new applicant to put down a considerable amount of cash on the house. This may help compensate for the poor credit. If the lender sees a 20% or more down payment from the applicant, he may be willing to approve a homeowners mortgage loan, putting him, the lender, at less risk. In his eyes, when a borrower has this much invested in their property they become a lower risk and are less likely to walk away leaving their lender with a foreclosure.

Mortgage Loan Payment History

The payment history on any previous mortgage loans held by the person applying is also an important factor in getting a bad credit mortgage. Producing proof of good faith with regards to making timely payments on another loan for a house or rental property, helps to create a unique and individualized credit history, regardless of the overall damaged to credit. Solid background history on paper goes a long way to establishing trustworthiness to a lender.

Reducing Existing Debt

Paying down some of the existing debt helps the lender view an applicant as a serious contender for a mortgage loan. By lowering outstanding debt, the individual is seen in a more attractive light by the lender by letting him know there is more money in circulation to pay a monthly mortgage payment.

Home Mortgage Sub-prime Lenders

Ther person applying for a bad credit mortgage should first look for a lender who specializes in sub-prime mortgages for people with damaged credit, and do their due diligence before deciding on anyone. There are unscrupulous lenders who take advantage of people with bad credit. References should be checked out on the lenders being considered to confirm they are legitimate and can help with an individual's situation. A good sub-prime lender will be able to work with most applicants and may be able to supply the mortgage loan after becoming knowlegable about a person's circumstances.

Whether looking for a home mortgage refinance or a new homeowner loan, fins a lender who will endeavor to supply a mortgage for people with bad credit. Getting all paperwork and references in order and showing the best face and clear intentions will go a long way in helping to re-establish a person's credibility.
