How to Tell He or She Cares

Every lady who has ever found herself liking a guy has probably wondered if he liked her too. There are clues that men give off even if they don't say what they are thinking. These tips may just help all the ladies figure out the answer without risking personal embarrassment. Reading these signs do not take much time and do not require any special skills or degrees. The same goes for the guys. There are ways to find out if the girl is interested too. No big secrets to decode; just read a few simple signs.

Physical Signs He's Interested

If the guy is shy he might look at the woman he likes then turn away when she looks at him. Also the shy guy may also playfully grab at her or play with her hair. A guy who is shy about admitting he likes a lady may not talk much because he is nervous but he may show up at the movie she goes to see or show up at places she hangs out. His voice may change when he talks to a woman he's interested in.

Physical Signs She's Interested

Eye contact is a major indicator; if she likes a man she may gaze into his eyes. Her skin may redden around him. She may cross her legs with her leg pointing toward a man she's flirting with. Touching is another good indicator; she may make a point to touch her crush's arm or shoulder while talking to him. She may also twirl her hair around a finger.

Other Signs He or She Likes You

A guy may mimic the hand motions of a lady he like without even meaning to. Eye contact from guys is also a big tell. Even if he does not say anything or very little, the eye contact is important. Also, if he calls to talk many times during the day, that's a sign he likes her.

Often a woman will tend to lean toward the guy she likes when talking to him. Some women will act nervous or shy around a man they are interested. A lady may also make it a point to walk by a guy she likes to get his attention.

Indicators That a Member of Either Sex Has a Crush

Whether it's an obvious physical indicator or something more subtle, guys and girls do give subconscious clues when they like someone. Pay attention to body language and look for signals they are interested. Observe his or her behavior for signs of interest. Reading these signals need not be complicated.
