Tourist Attractions and Outdoor Adventure Travel in Goiás, Brazil

Travelling in Goiás shows you Brazil's largest unbroken stretch of cerrado forest, with waterfalls, canyons and unexplored caves. National Park Chapada dos Veadeiros, National Park das Emas and State Park Terra Ronca all offer lots of adventure sports and hiking opportunities. Pirenópolis and Cidade de Goiás are lovely colonial towns with various tourist attractions. Alta Paraíso generally attracts the esoteric-inclined visitor. The latter is due to the argument, rightfully or not, that Dom Bosco's prophesied that in this area a new conscience will arise in the third millennium.

Tourist Attractions in the colonial towns of Pirenópolis and Cidade de Goiás

Gold was discovered in Goiás in the 17th century, following the gold rush in the adjacent state of Minas Gerais. The rich era of gold mining was intense but lasted only a short while. The area was too remote and therefore too costly to live in, but has kept its heritage through colonial towns.

Cidade de Goiás, also known as Goiás Velho, was the state's first capital and has obtained a UNESCO World Heritage Status in 2002. Both Cidade de Goiás and Pirenópolis are picturesque towns with cobbled streets lined with white-plastered houses, and colonial churches built in Baroque style, with lots of pomp and circumstance. The towns have a laid-back atmosphere during weekdays, and a lively ambience during weekends when Brazilians of the surrounding large cities flock to the towns.

These are places to simply stroll down the narrow streets and soak up the atmosphere. Museums bring the gold mining history back to life through pictures and explanatory panels. The Museum of Religious Art in the beautifully restored NS do Campo Church in Pirenópolis is recommended. Other tourist attractions are its local food and important festivals such as Semana Santa [Cidade de Goiás] and Festa do Divino Espírito Santo.

Outdoor adventure in Cavalgante – Brazil's largest region of quilombos

For 200 years, Cavalgante was Brazil's largest region of quilombos – runaway slaves – who hid in the forest and caves to survive. The Kalunga, as they are called, have kept much of their African culture albeit this has blended with local customs. Besides offering the possibility of learning about this intriguing past the region attracts lovers of waterfalls and hiking.

Among Cavalgante's beautiful attractions are Stone Bridge, Rio da Prata, Veredas, Canyon do Curriola, Santa Barbara, and Veredas, as well as several viewpoints such as Nova Aurora – all splendid for hiking, swimming, and other adventure sports. The helpful CAT Information Office at the entrance of town can help you to find accredited guides and transportation.

Alta Paraíso is Brazil's centre of mysticism

The region around Chapada dos Veadeiros is considered by many a centre of mysticism, esotericism and spiritualism. This image is related to the vision of Dom Bosco who, in the 19th century, prophesied that a new conscience, or even civilisation, would arise in the third millennium around the 14th parallel – the same parallel on which Machu Picchu in Peru is situated. Note that according to some this story is a myth.

As a result Alta Paraíso and its surroundings are home to more than sixty groups/sects that focus on one type of spiritualism or another. There are dozens of centres to meditate, to receive alternative healings in the form of acupuncture, massages and treatments with a holistic approach. It is a region known for its UFO sightings and many travellers and inhabitants are attracted by the strong energies which are supposedly a result of the world's largest crystal plate that lies here.

The CAT Tourist Information on the town's main street has brochures on outdoor activities, lodgings, car rental and esoteric points of interest. Accommodation tip: Fazenda and Ecolodge Spazenda.

Waterfalls and adventure sports at Goiás national parks and state park

Goiás is home to hundreds of springs that originate on the high plateau of the cerrado and subsequently feed the South American basin. The state has three parks well worth a visit for their natural scenery of cerrado forest, wildlife viewing, exploration of waterfalls and caves, and outdoor adventures. These parks are:

State Park Terra Ronca, which is little known. This small park lies in the northeastern corner of Goiás, about 100 kilometres northeast of Alta Paraíso. The entrance to the park is São Domingo, where travellers can obtain a guide to lead you to Terra Ronca's hidden waterfalls and caves. There are more than 200 caves and some are quite spectacular. They are little known and therefore devoid of the usual tourist surge.

National Park das Emas, which is considered Brazil's best preserved area of cerrado forest – a savannah type of landscape with short, twisted trees. Of the more than 10,000 plants and trees, 40% isn’t found elsewhere. The park offers travellers an excellent spot for wildlife viewing of animals like amanduas bandeiras [giant anteater], maned wolf, giant otter, pampas deer and tapirs.

National Park Chapada dos Veadeiros, which is Goiás' best-known national park of and popular for its adventure sport opportunities. Chapadas – table mountains – typify the landscape and the national park is much visited for its canyons and waterfalls. National Park Chapada dos Veadeiros is one of Brazil's most sought after park by ecotourists. Flora and fauna are abundant and the landscape marked by quartz crystal and multihued sandstone. A guide is required for all attractions inside the park and can be hired at the travel agencies of Alta Paraíso or São Jorge.

Tourist attractions and outdoor adventures in Goiás, central Brazil

Travellers who like exploring the hinterlands of Brazil are recommended to check out Goiás. Adventures sports such as rafting, hiking, canyoning and mountain biking can be found throughout the state inside as well outside national parks. History can be relived in colonial towns while the rise of the new conscience, as prophesied by Dom Bosco, might just happen when you are taking in the esoteric atmosphere of Alta Paraíso.
