Carpet Shopping and Cleaning is Easy

After deciding which rooms will require carpets, determine the number of square yards that will be needed. Measure the length and width of each room. Multiply the length by the width to find the total number of square feet of carpet needed to cover the floor. Divide this total by nine to arrive at the number of square yards.

Carpet Quality

Determine the quality of a particular carpet style. Press down on the carpet pile with one finger and see how easy or difficult it is to penetrate to the carpet backing. The harder it is to penetrate the pile to the backing, the better the carpet’s quality.

Denser carpets provide longer wear and better crush resistance. Since soil and stains remain mostly on the surface, these styles also are usually easier to clean and maintain.

Another way to determine value is to check the quality of the yarn. Generally, the tighter the yarn is twisted, the better the wear and performance. Look closely at the cut ends of the individual carpet fibers. These should be neat and well defined, and they should not fray or “blossom” at the ends.

Carpet padding, the cushion beneath the carpet and installation often are included in the overall purchase price. Quality padding not only will add to the life of the carpet, it also helps insulate cold floors. Another important consideration is a carpet that features a recognized factory installed stain treatment to guard against soils and stains.

Carpet Care

Once installed, a carpet is ready for foot traffic and spills. Even if the rules of the house demand that food and drinks remain exclusively in the kitchen, accidents are bound to happen. Evidence of these crimes—such as spilled grape juice and soda—always is revealed on the carpet.

A carpet with stain treatment will allow for easy cleanup and prolong the look of the fibers. The key action item after a spill is to clean it immediately. Work from the outside of the stain to the center to prevent the liquid from spreading.

Don’t rub, scrub, or brush out a stain. This can damage the fibers. Don’t pour cleaning solutions directly onto the stained area. This saturates the carpet and the liquid runs directly to the backing. This method also probably will not clean the stain effectively. Instead, apply the solution to a damp cloth and then gently massage the individual carpet fibers.

Stains from butter, salad dressing, cooking oils and ink should be cleaned using a solvent spot cleaner. Test a sample area in an inconspicuous area to be sure the cleaner will not damage the fibers.

The Carpet Buyers Handbook is a very good resource to review before exploring colors and patterns, and before matching furniture and accessories. Information includes a buyer’s guide, installation, care and cleaning.

Take a little extra time to review the basics about carpet construction, features and wear, and then purchase a quality carpet and the right carpet that will enhance a room for many years.

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Don't Forget to Shampoo the Carpet!

With the arrival of spring, it's time for serious spring cleaning. Once the shelves are dusted, the bathroom is scrubbed from sink to floor, and the kitchen sparkles, turn the attention to the carpet. Despite regular vacuuming, traffic and daily wear causes carpet to look dingy. Now is the time to let off a little steam and bring your carpets back to life.

Shampooing the carpet also improves your family's health. Consider the dirt and grime that cross your carpet every day. Tiny bits of dirt and creepy bacteria end up buried in the rug's knap. Whenever a person walks across the carpet or runs the vacuum, particles filter into the air. A regular shampooing of the carpet not only keeps the rug clean-looking, it also reduces the risk of health problems caused by dirt and bacteria.

Preparing the Shampoo AreaIf you rent a steam shampoo machine, it generally comes with cleaning products, usually at an additional cost. If a person owns a steam cleaner, make sure cleaning products comply with the machine's specifications. If it is the first time the rug has been cleaned, test an area in an out-of-the-way corner. Dip a clean white cloth into the shampoo and scrub it into the carpet. After a few moments, dip a different corner of the cloth into water. Rub this into the same place. Continue until the cleaning product is removed from the carpet. Now, rub the spot with a dry cloth until it is damp. Check for any discoloration.

Vacuum the carpet thoroughly prior to shampooing. A clean carpet means the shampooer can focus on stain removal.

Easy Steps to a Clean Carpet

Following a few recommended steps will ease the process and keep your carpet looking new. First, spray the high traffic area with pre-spray. Target dirtier or stained areas. Increasing the amount of water applied to a stain only soaks the carpet, making it more difficult to dry.

According to the Lexvac Company, use only the prescribed amount of shampoo and water. Be sure to apply even pressure and move the machine evenly across the floor. This allows for a thorough cleaning. Once the carpet is shampooed, go over it again with the machine on dry. This soaks up excess water. If the carpet isn't dried, mold can spread in the padding and carpet, and the sub-floor may be damaged. After the last pass, carpet should feel dry to the touch.

If possible, open windows or turn on a ceiling fan. Carpets generally dry in eight to ten hours.

Taking care of your carpet on a daily basis always helps, but a thorough spring cleaning gives new life to your carpets. 

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