Electric Scooter Safety Tips

There are many reasons to choose an electric scooter as a next vehicle. They can help save the environment by not using gas at all. Electric scooters are also less expensive than buying a car, and much easier to find a parking space for.

However, before making the choice to buy an electric scooter, be aware of what safety rules one needs to consider both on and off the road.

Have the Right Electric Scooter Gear

Check with your state regarding electric scooter laws, and always use the right gear. Some states require a helmet be worn any time when riding an electric scooter. It is also often required to wear specific shoes so feet are comfortable when stopping at stop signs or traffic lights. Long sleeves and pants might be the best choice for riding a scooter as well.

Consider that bugs or objects can fly into a person when riding down the road. If riding in the winter, take extra precautions against the cold, since there is no shield from the elements.

Obey Traffic Rules

Traffic rules should always be observed. Never ride on unauthorized roads or sidewalks. Scooters are required to follow the same rules as all other vehicles. Stop at all stop signs and use turn signals when turning. Most scooter accidents occur because vehicle drivers don’t see the scooter when it is stopping or turning.

Legal Requirements for Electric Scooters

Most states have rules regarding licenses and insurance of electric scooters. If one will be operating the vehicle on a public road or highway, then there is probably the need for insurance and registration. Most states also require that the driver of the vehicle be at least 16 years of age and hold a valid driver’s license.

Follow Manufacturer Guidelines

Most electric scooters are not designed to be driven in the rain or at night. Many scooters do not have head lights for night driving, and can be very difficult to see in the dark. Most of these vehicles are also not able to withstand exposure to water. Since these scooters are powered by batteries, they can give the owner a shock, if the battery gets wet.

Most electric scooters are designed to carry the weight of one adult rider. Never carry passengers that will exceed the scooter weight limit. This can cause the vehicle to sink down, and could cause a wreck if the wheels are touched by the fenders. Also never tow or pull anything with a scooter. The frame and body are not designed to withstand this kind of stress.

Inspect the Scooter Before Riding

Because most components of an electric scooter are exposed to the elements, be sure to frequently check for damage. Nuts, bolts, and controls can become loose or weak over time and lead to a wreck. Make sure to test the steering mechanism and brakes before going into traffic. Keep the scooter in a sheltered environment, such as a garage when not in use.

Use caution when charging, as electric scooters must be charged by plugging the batteries up into a power outlet. If the wires or charging connectors become worn or frayed, they will need to be replaced; otherwise, they will create a fire hazard.

There are a number of things to consider before buying an electric scooter. While it may seem as there are a lot of negative aspects of owning a scooter, observing these safety issues will allow one to enjoy a wonderful form of transportation. Scooters are fun to ride, and are much less expensive than operating a gas powered vehicle.

Scooters Save Gas

Soaring gas prices and environmental concerns have renewed consumer interest in alternative modes of transportation. An increasingly popular option for those wanting to get around faster than they could on foot, but more economically than they could by car is the scooter.

Is a scooter right for you? Consider these benefits.

Scooters can boost your budget

With gas prices just as likely to be $2 as they are nearly $5 per gallon, scooter users giddily report getting up to 80 miles per gallon. With such great mileage users can scoot past the gas station for weeks at a time. Potential savings can total hundreds of dollars annually. You don't have to be a penny pincher to appreciate the value of a penny saved.

Scooters can help reduce carbon emissions

Most scooters on the road take the place of conveyances of the four wheeled variety. As the number of scooters on the road increases, cars and carbon dioxide emissions decrease. Additionally, gasoline consumption could be reduced by millions of gallons per day if more people get out of their cars.

Scooters are Affordable

These two-wheeled wonders can be had for just a couple thousand dollars (several thousand dollars cheaper than cars). Maintenance is easy and hassle free. Many states have adopted less stringent registration requirements, too. For example, in Georgia scooters are exempt from ad valorem taxes and do not require a tag (depending upon the size of the motor). Insurance is about 1/10 the amount paid for cars or SUV’s.

Parking your Scooter is a Breeze

Finding a place to park these space savers is a breeze. Several scooters can be parked in a space that would accommodate only one car.

Scooters are fun

Sure you have to wear a helmet, but who says safety and fun don’t mix? When you get out of the car and get on the scooter you can enjoy the great outdoors instead of being cooped up in a metal box.

Scooters aren’t just for kids

There is a minimum age for legal scooter operation (you have to be at least 15 and hold a valid driver’s license) but there is no maximum age. If you’re interested, but think scooters are only for 20 something’s, think again. Not sure how you’d manage behind the wheel? Don’t worry. Most scooters come with electronic starters, which makes it easy to get going. Still not sure? Why not try a motorcycle safety course or bum a ride from a friend. Chances are you’ll be hooked!
