Etiquette and Manners Behind Writing Traditional Thank You Cards

It used to be that parents taught their children to write thank you cards for almost every occasion. Birthday gifts, parties, graduations etc. Today, with the internet, this art and form of politeness is dying out. Is there really room for this old art in the new technical world of computers and internet? The email is just not enough for certain things. There is more behind a traditional thank you note than people may realize.

Writing and Mailing with a Postage Stamp

In today's age where internet has almost taken over the US Postal Service for everyday letters to family and friend, people forget how nice it was to receive something in the mail that was not a bill or business. Remember the last time you received a invitation or letter from someone? The smile that crossed your face and you handled the envelope.

Writing pen pals used to be a typical assignment as some point for grade school children. Now much of that is lost with the convenience of internet and email. Is there really a difference? Is there a special touch missing from the generic Times New Roman or Arial script that hand written notes possessed? Many believe so.

True the internet helps families and friends stay in closer contact on a day to day basis with their lives. Plus, of course, it's free to send an email whereas the costs of postage stamps continue to rise every year. There are occasions though that should be sent through the old-fashioned postal service.

Thank You Shows You Appreciate Them

Taking the time write a thank you card shows that person you were willing to sit down for a few moments in your life and write down just how thankful you were. It shows people you are not too busy to recognize their efforts. People should be thanked just for being there whether or not they contributed with a gift.

Saying thank you through the generic email or social venue such as Facebook can be nice but think of the time it takes. It's easier and quicker to hop on the computer, jot a quick thank you and hit send. It takes more time and effort to buy or create the cards, write the note, address it and the money to send it. It's that very reason though that makes them that much more special.

Teaching the Lost Art of Writing Thank You Notes

My mom was a big one for etiquette and politeness. She got it from her mom and so on. This art was not lost on me and it will not be lost for mine. People I write thank you cards to have always replied back to me with such gratefulness and kindness just for the simple act of writing a thank you card. It is such a rare occurrence in this day and age.

Be rare and unique. Remember to thank the people that mean so much to you. Thank them for coming to the celebration. Not only will they feel good about receiving the note, you will feel good about having done it. The more people that get back this technique of politeness, the more will be able to continue it despite the internet.

Etiquette Is Beautiful

People who know their time and efforts are appreciated are much more likely to do the same thing again. People want to know they are valued, cherished and respected. Show them that they are and you will keep them coming back as friends or family to many other gatherings and celebrations in the future.

Wedding Thank You Note Etiquette

New husbands and wives spend weeks and months planning their ceremony and honeymoon, only to return and realize that there is another aspect of the wedding that still needs to be addressed; thanking attendees for the presents that they give to the new couple. Luckily, these notes are a great occasion for brides and grooms to express their appreciation to their friends and family who showed up to celebrate the big day.

Timeline for Sending Out Notes of Thanks to Wedding Guests

It is important to be prompt when sending out thank you notes. Guests often make a large investment of their time and money in order to attend a wedding and give a gift to the bride and groom, so it is important for the new husband and wife to acknowledge that investment in a timely manner.

However, despite the importance of timeliness, guests will understand that couples often take time off after their ceremony in order to enjoy their honeymoon and relax after the hectic weeks and months of wedding planning. Couples who had large weddings may also take a little bit longer to send out their cards as a result of the large numbers of gifts they received at their wedding.

Overall, according to gift card and stationery expert Antonia Rose in the article "Wedding Thank You Notes: Etiquette" on her website, it is generally considered polite to send notes out within three months of the ceremony. While guests will understand that a slight delay is to be expected, getting out cards within this three month period is considered most polite.

What to Include in Wedding Gift Thank You Notes

Each card should be personalized to acknowledge the individual relationship that the couple has with the giver of the gift and to include information about how the wedding gift will be utilized in the couple's life together. It is appropriate for cards to thank guests for attending the marriage ceremony in addition to simply acknowledging receiving the gift itself.

When thanking friends and family for concrete gifts such as china, bed linens, or other objects, it is appropriate to refer to how they will be used in everyday life. With china, a card should refer to the meals that will be eaten off the gift, while with sheets or furniture, a mention of how wonderful they look in the couple's house will allow the giver of the gift to feel as if he or she is still participating in the couple's life through their gift.

In the case of monetary gifts, a polite expression of gratitude should mention the money briefly and then continue by elaborating on what the money itself will be used for. In the Q&A "How to Write a Thank You Note" published on Oct 1, 2003 in The Morning News, etiquette writer Leslie Harpold suggests keeping it simple but making sure that the person who gave the gift has some idea of how his or her money will be put to use.

Selecting the Wedding Thank Yous

Many couples choose to send out gratitude cards that match the stationery they have used to communicated with guests throughout their wedding process. In this case, it is important to start planning early, because if a couple is using a personalized or custom design for their invitations and save the date notices, they may need to put in an order at the same time for the cards that they will use to acknowledge their gifts.

However, while matching cards are attractive, they are by no means necessary. Instead, couples can choose any paper cards that they fancy. Attractive thank you cards are available at most drug stores and large department stores in addition to specialized greeting card stores in most areas. Some couples also opt for simpler cards personalized with a monogram or the couple's married names.

While it is easy to get caught up in the details and etiquette of sending out wedding thank yous, it is also important to remember the basic purpose behind the cards; thanking the friends and family who attend the wedding and support the new union of bride and groom through their donations and presents. Cards are a bride and groom's way of giving back to those who were there to support them on their special day, and as such deserve special attention from the couple.
