The Truth About Free Debt Settlement Companies and No-Cost Plans

Requests for information about no-cost alternatives for the elimination of liabilities increased exponentially after Wall Street flirted with disaster. Today, Main Street families and small businesses may discover several different options are available. The distinguishing characteristic must remain constant. Help must be available without charge. Despite implied promises, an unsettling number of organizations advertise no-cost plans yet do not follow through. Legitimate and free debt settlement companies do not apply pressure to purchase a plan. The best time to discover the nature of an offer is before signing an agreement.

Truly Free Debt Settlement Companies and Legitimate Services

Thousands of organizations across the nation sell liability negotiation services, management plans, credit counseling, and bankruptcy representation. All of these organizations may reduce payments or eliminate indebtedness altogether. Depending on the size of a client's estate, the cost for these options varies widely. Less common, these options may be available without cost.

A limited number of organizations solicit hardship applications for no-cost assistance. Commercial businesses that provide no-cost help tend to be the largest and best known within the industry. After approval of a waiver of fees, clients receive assistance on the same basis as other paying customers. Receiving approval is difficult.

In addition, no-cost credit counseling is common. As a condition of filing bankruptcy, all individuals must participate in an approved counseling session before filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Because of this legal requirement, credit counseling is available without charge. In rare circumstances, counselors may provide additional services upon request.

All state bar associations throughout the nation encourage member attorneys to provide no-cost legal services. The total number of hours an attorney donates as pro bono representation is reported to their state bar organization. A minority of attorneys offer free assistance occasionally to satisfy state bar recommendations. Predictably, legal aid foundations frequently encourage attorneys to participate in local programs. Participating attorneys usually offer financial advice and services to anyone who inquires.

Beware of Promises for Free Information About Debt Settlement

Information about debt settlement free services is not the same as actually providing it. A few agencies advertise no-cost information and services after approval of a hardship application. In reality, application solicitation may be a thinly disguised rouse to prospect for paying clients. Legitimate free debt settlement companies do not attempt to sell financial products or plans after application denial.

Beware of all sales pitches when applying for no-cost plans. If a company intentionally deceives applicants, the integrity of the organization and the quality of their representation are highly questionable. All legitimate organizations provide full disclosure of all terms for qualification in advance. Questions are welcome and responses should address all concerns.

Consider reviewing Better Business Bureau reports before accepting a no-cost financial plan. Reports are available online without cost or obligation of any kind. The most reputable organizations amass pristine reputations over many years while receiving few complaints. In addition, industry associations and state licensing authorities may provide valuable information.

Using No-Cost Services for Payment Reductions or Liability Discharge

The best free debt settlement companies gladly answer all questions promptly before asking for a commitment. They should provide full disclosure of privacy policies, services provided, and all requirements for participation. If sales pitch creeps into the interview process, it may be an indication of future deceptions to come.

Best Free Commercial Debt Collection Management Software Reviews

Debt collection is a process of pursuing payments on debts owed by individuals or businesses. There are a few types of companies that should use debt collecting management software. They include:

Law firms – debt collection software can help law firms manage the court and lawsuit problems of debt collection.

Debt collection agencies – they collect debts on the behalf of other companies for fees. Debt collection software can help them streamline the collection process and reduce the operational costs.

Healthcare and medical companies – they can use debt collection software to lower their outstanding receivables and improve cash flow.

Debt Buyers – debt collection software can help them manage the debt purchases at a fraction of its initial value then collects upon it.

Other organizations that need debt collection software include loan originators, government, and companies that collect debt by themselves.

Best Commercial Debt Collection Software Review

Commercial debt collection software programs usually cost hundreds or thousands of US dollars plus maintenance and additional license fees. These software applications include Totality Debt Collection Software and eCollections. Knowing and understanding best commercial debt collection software can help a small business company choose their right software in an easy way.

eCollections is debt collection software that covers almost all types of debt collecting solutions. It has different editions of healthcare and medical practices, schools that manage student loan debt collections, government, and law firms.

The main functional modules and features of eCollections include graphical interface, integrated predictive dialer, advance queues, business analytics, API interfaces, reporting and dashboards, business rules engine, user defined forms, automated workflow, medical and billing, package/account hierarchy, automated credit bureau updates, portfolio management book-marking, industry best reporting, automated account distribution, security profiles compliance tools, promise payments employment and asset tracking, broken promise alerts, integrated skip tracing, bar coding system, etc.

Best Free Debt Collection Software for Small Business Download Reviews

Commercial debt collection software solutions are fully-featured but may be costly. Some small business owners may look for cheaper or even free alternatives. Under this circumstance, free debt collection software could be a good choice.

Some companies provide free business debt collection software, while making money through other services for debt collection agencies. Debt Collection Manager is such a software solution. It can help a debt agency tracks accounts receivable for multiple companies, prints invoices, and reminds of past-due accounts in a quick and easy way.

Free and open source project management software systems can also improve the performance of debt collection. They can be found in the related article Best Free Project Management Software.

Though free software programs cannot provide fully-featured solutions for debt collection management, they offer a good choice when cost saving is a priority.

