How To Write Tweets That Will Send Visitors to Your Website or Blog

If you want to promote your business, website or blog using Twitter you need to attract plenty of attention to yourself and build up your followers. The more people following you, the greater the potential for people clicking on your URL links and following your suggestions. But in order for that to occur, you have to get people to read your tweets with interest and keep on reading them. Therefore, you need to learn how to create compelling posts.

Why You Need To Write Effective Tweets

The first thing to realize is that the people who use Twitter (often referred to as “Twitterers”) have a very short attention span – if they are not intrigued, stunned or amazed by your tweets then the chances are that they will forget who you are and move on to the next contender. Face facts, if they cannot be bothered to read your tweets, they probably will not be interested in popping over to your blog or site.

Don’t be Too Pushy

If you are using twitter to promote your business, one of the worst mistakes you will ever make is to over promote and constantly plug your business. Try to get people interested in what you have to say before telling them they should go read your blog, or visit your site. You need to give them a reason to do this and that is done by stirring their interest.

Make it Interesting

Think of every tweet you make as a headline. This will ensure you do not waste any of those precious 140 characters with needless padding. The finesse to writing a great Twitter headline is not to make it sound too impersonal and to spark the readers interest, leaving them desperate to read the rest of the story.

A plain headline is a simple statement and ends there. A Twitter headline should add a twist at the end, yes it should be bold but it needs to leave the reader scrambling to click on the URL link to find out more. Don’t think, “New weight loss diet claims to cure diabetes. Read more.”…think more along the lines of, “New weight loss diet says it can cure diabetes! Is this yet another diet con? Read more.”

Keep Up With The Times

Staying up-to-date and keeping a tab on what is hot in your line of business and what is been talked about online is essential. The sooner you can break news to your readers the better. Bringing fresh new news into your tweets, as soon as it happens, will enforce your position as an expert in the field and leave any reader with the impression you know what you are talking about. This will leave readers looking forward to your next post, as well as suggesting that your site or blog will contain great information.

Consider the Searchers

Not everyone just reads the tweets of the people they are following. Some people interested in a certain topic will use the Twitter search facility and seek out relevant stories. This is simple keyword searching and you should bear this in mind when you post. Take the keyword(s) that define your business and try to incorporate them into your tweets. That way, should anyone search for recent tweets on a certain topic, your post should be right there in the displayed results. This is a great method to grab some extra readers not already following your tweets.

Update your Followers

If you have just posted new content on your website or blog, remember to add a tweet informing your followers of the new content. This is a great way to get a sudden flood of traffic to your site.

Bait the Hook

If you have just added a post to your blog, or new content to your site and it answers a specific question or need, a great trick is to pop onto Twitter and add the question as a tweet. Or make the need into a question and post that. For example, if you have just written a piece on dog behavioral training, you could tweet, “How do you get your dog to stop chasing the mailman?”, or “Do you want your hyperactive dog to stop harassing the mailman?”

And Finally… Do As Others Do

Check out the competition. Look at their profiles and read their tweets. If they have hundreds of followers, see what kind of information they are submitting and how they interact with their readers. One of the best ways to learn good tweeting techniques is to learn from others who have a proven track record and plenty of interested people following them.

Twitter is a great tool for promoting a business and by learning how to compose great tweets and interacting with your followers you will see a nice increase in visitors and customers to any site of business. Follow these simple tips to improve your skills and reap the rewards that Twitter has to offer.
