Why Won’t My Dog Stop Howling, Having Diarrhea

Why Won’t My Dog Stop Having Diarrhea

Your dog has diarrhea and you just cannot seem to get him over it. What is going on? You feel so bad for your dog and yet you hate cleaning up the mess. Here are some simple solutions to your problem of your dog having diarrhea.

1. You are not feeding your dog the right food. Feed him better food.
2. You are not getting your dog enough fresh water. Provide more fresh water for him.
3. You are not giving your dog enough fiber. Get him some fiber.

Why Won’t My Dog Stop Howling

Your dog is usually pretty happy. But lately he has been howling up a storm. You just do not understand. Here are some reasons why Fido may be howling.

1. He is communicating with other dogs nearby. Let him do this.
2. He is sick. Get him to the vet to the earliest.
3. He is feeling lonely. Spend some time with him.
4. He is scared. Check to see what is going on.
