Where To Buy Used School Supplies

A shiny new backpack and barely worn sneakers are giving way to hand-me-down book bags and last year’s tennis shoes. But just because your child isn’t sporting the newest look this fall, doesn’t mean he/she can’t be fashionable and well equipped for another academic year.

Where to Buy Used School Supplies and Quality Second Hand Clothes:

Shop thrift stores. Just because the clothes are second hand doesn’t mean they can’t be fun and fashionable. Look for barely worn pants and tops from last season. You may have to dig, and scout out a number of stores, but it is possible to find clothes that look almost new. Often kids outgrow clothes faster than they can wear them out. And don’t be afraid to negotiate once you get to the check-out line…especially if you see a defect that isn’t obviously apparent.

Search garage and estate sales. You have to get up really early on a Saturday morning, but these are where the real bargains are. Now is when families go through school clothes from last year to see what fits and what doesn’t. So you might find a treasure trove of kids’ clothes in your child’s size. You might even find protractors, rulers, backpacks and pencil cases for very little money. If you fill a basket full of stuff, ask for a volume discount before your items are totaled up.

Ask friends and neighbors. If your child has friends who are a little bit taller, ask if they have any clothes from last year that don’t fit and offer to pay for them. This may not work with older children who are very style conscious, but young children might think it’s fun to wear their friends’ outgrown clothes.

Sort through last year’s clothes and supplies. Does your child really need a new backpack every year? If last season's model doesn’t have any holes why not get a few more years out of it? Except for pencils and pens, most school supplies last from one year to the next. Try to find some way to reward your child for being responsible and not losing things at school.

Choose Affordable, Comfortable Kids' Clothing
Trendy, Fashionable, Cheap Maternity Clothes

Buy used textbooks. For college students, text books are a huge expense. The obvious place to find used books would be your college store. But they may not have the best prices. Amazon and other online book stores sell used text books. Just make sure you find the correct edition.

Remember, your kids may complain bitterly about not buying new school supplies this year. Just remind them, with the economy the way it is, they will likely be in good company.