Former Playboy Model Karen McDougal Tells Trump Offered Money For Sex

23 March 2018 -

Talking to host Anderson Cooper in an exclusive interview on CNN the former Playboy model Karen McDougal said the now-president Donald Trump tried to offer her money after both had been intimate.

McDougal added she didn't know how to take the offer and she is unable to describe how her face looked then, adding it must have been sad.

Earlier this week the model filed a lawsuit against American Media Inc. and since then this is her first sitdown on televised interview to tell her story of an alleged affair with Trump over a decade ago and adding the emotional fallout too.

McDougal continued that Trump offered money after having sex with her for the first and she then responded saying, "That's not me. I'm not that kind of girl."

According to her Trump replied, "Oh... You're really special."

The model added she was hurt Trump had seen her in that light.

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Meanwhile, White House has maintained denial to the alleged affair between McDougal and Trum. When asked about the denails she said, "I guess I understand because he's trying to protect his family, his image, things like that."

Ahead of the 2016 presidential election The Wall Street Journal published a report alleging American Media Inc; paid an amount of $150,000 to the model to maintain silence about the allege affair.

Author Paul Linus
