Refugees Fleeing Mostly Through Boat From DRC To Uganda

23 March 2018 -

The refugee influx from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to Uganda taking the water route of Lake Albert has increased rapidly this year and a data from Simone Schindwein reveals the total number until now in 2018 has been more than 50,000.

Surface of the lake, lying along the border of the two countries, is smooth and waves gently lap against the shore.

The report adds about five hundred people cross the river every day through boat and land at the Sebaguru beach in Uganda. Tents have set up along the beach jointly by Uganda government and UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

According to UNHCR's Daniel Tam most of the refugees coming from DRC on the Sebaguru beach are women and children, but lately many young men too have arrived who had either served in the team of militias or protected their villages being a member of the civil defense.

Uganda border police have rescued refugees from captives too as usually the boats come overloaded. Lately a family of five was saved as the boat also boarded their 27 cows. However, the cows couldn't be saved by the border police.

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Tam added, "The cows all drowned, but luckily the five people were rescued."

Congo has been under ethnic conflict for decades but in past few years the country has been facing political crisis.

Author Paul Linus
