Tasks for Paraprofessionals

A paraprofessional, or an instructional aid, can preform many duties in the classroom for both the teacher and the student. These jobs range from instructional support, behavioral support, diagnostic support, classroom organization and clerical support. Through open communication, the the teacher and the paraprofessional can decide on the best use of the aid's time throughout the day.

Instructional Support

The paraprofessional can assist students with any of the subjects as the main teacher gives the lesson. She can also listen to students as they read or read to the students as necessary, modify written materials based on teacher direction, and help students with projects or group work. These educational support jobs can be varied and should be discussed before class begins. Make sure that both the aid and the teacher understand what the expectations are to ensure optimal student learning.

Behavior Management Support

When a student earns a reward or a time out, the paraprofessional can supervise to ensure that the student does what he is supposed to be doing. She can also provide support to students who are experiencing stress, and monitor the student's behavior based upon a written behavior contract. She can also join the teacher in providing positive feedback for appropriate behavior.

Diagnostic Support

Within the expectations of the classroom teacher, a paraprofessional can grade student assignments, and observe and document student behavior, academic progress and social behavior. Although some teachers prefer to do these observations themselves, if necessary this task can be given to the paraprofessional. She can also administer informal assessments such as unit tests for the classroom teacher.

Classroom Organization

Parent volunteers and instructional aids can support the classroom teacher with some organizational tasks. Any instructional games that need to be made, displays prepared, and bulletin boards put together are fair game for the paraprofessional. She can also help locate materials necessary for instruction, and possibly assist the teacher in daily planning in some cases.

What is a Paraprofessional
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Clerical Support

Having the paraprofessional make copies, take attendance and record grades can be a huge support to the classroom teacher. This will allow the teacher the extra time to spend on lesson plans or other work that needs done. Although it is not prudent to have parent volunteers file student papers, it may be acceptable for the paraprofessional to preform this task.

Through open communication over what each person's expectations are, the paraprofessional and the teacher can develop a great collaborative relationship within the classroom. Learning how to work well together and share some tasks will benefit both the student and the teacher.

Author George P.
