Tips to Build Professional Website

It is possible to build a website that looks professional without paying someone else to do it. With a few simple steps, anyone can make a professional looking website with a little time and effort. It is not necessary to know how to write the code, but there are a few key things that it is important to understand before jumping into website building.

How to Choose a Website Hosting Service

The first step to build a website is to sign up for a website hosting service. There are many website hosting providers, including bluehost, godaddy and others. These companies charge a fee to provide their customers with space on the internet. They are basically renting web-land that any individual can use to build a website. This allows a user to have a unique domain name for the website. The domain name is the address at which the website will live.

The alternate option for those wishing to build a personal website is to go through a free website hosting/building program like geocities. This type of program does not charge, but instead of having one's own space on the internet, the user is borrowing space and will not be allowed to use a specific domain name. While the domain name will be unique to the individual website, it will usually include additional letters and/or words to denote the website that is hosting the site. Additionally, these websites will put their own ads on each website to help pay for the service they provide for free.

The best option for website hosting depends on the individual's goals for the website. For a professional looking website, it is essential that one pays for a website hosting service. If the level of professionalism is not important and the website builder does not want to make money off of advertisements on the site, a free website building/hosting server is fine.

Choosing and Purchasing a Domain Name

When purchasing a domain name it is important to chose carefully to help people remember it. While the content on the website will drive much of the search engine traffic, the domain name will make the site memorable to those who hear of the website.

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Choosing an available domain name is the most important thing to consider when deciding on a website name. Most website hosting services offer a free search for available domain names. When deciding on a name, consider several options and variations around the topic of the website and choose the best one that is available.

When choosing a domain name it is important to keep a few things in mind. First, choose a domain name that is translucent - the name of the site should describe the topic of the site. While cute names may be memorable, clear, descriptive names will drive traffic better. The shorter the name, the better. Likewise, the simpler the name, the easier it will be to remember.

Author Twinkle Brar
