Wandering Wildlife of Kenya

What makes Kenya special is its animal world. You have a variety of wild life zones in this country from nature reserves and national parks to elephant orphanage and Giraffe centre. In fact, it wouldn’t be wrong to call Kenya the land of vibrant wildlife. Nairobi, its capital, is a modern city but what makes it pulsating is its wildlife along with its tribal arts and crafts.

The Nairobi National Park

The Nairobi National Park, situated on the outskirts of the city, takes you into that world where Lions, Zebras, Warthogs and gazelles roam around in abandon and entertain the visitors with their lifestyle. Not far from the city, it is easily reachable by road. So, busy tourists can reach the park at their convenience to view the animals and return back to their hotel in the evening after a good day’s safari.

Giraffe Centre

At Giraffe Centre you can view the endangered Rothschild Giraffe that is found only in the grasslands of East Africa. You can observe these graceful animals at close quarters and get to know more about them from the information centre close by. Also you can have the pleasure of feeding these giraffes and posing for photographs with them.

Elephant Orphanage

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is another interesting site to visit. Established in 1987 by Daphne Sheldrick, this orphanage especially for elephants has even rhinos under its care. The orphaned animals are rescued from the jungles when they are hardly two weeks old. With loving care, specially formulated milk and other specific needs of the infant animals, the keepers of the trust bring them up till they can fend for themselves. Then they let them off into the Tsavo National Park to rehabilitate them with their elephant community.

When tourists visit David Sheldrick orphanage, they can observe these lovable elephants being fed and patiently cared for by the keepers of the shelter. They can also hear from the caretakers the story of the orphaned elephants that were brought from the wilds to the shelter for moral support, security and care. You can’t take your eyes off these elephants as they play games and pranks or eat together and head towards the keepers for a loving pat.

Masai Mara

Those who visit Nairobi surely make a trip to Masai Mara National Reserve, the finest and most popular wildlife reserve of Kenya. Here one can view the ‘Big five’ of wild Africa ( Lions, rhinos, leopards, buffaloes and elephants) and all other animals in their natural setting. It is a five hour drive by car from Nairobi and an hour by flight. There are numerous hotels and lodges in the area around the reserve. From the resort, one can take the safari rides early in the morning or evening to view the animals in the rough and wild terrain of the Mara.

Animals in Migration and their Activities

One can watch hordes of Zebras and wildebeests marching steadily in the process of migrating from the neighboring Serengeti National park. One can observe the lioness’ lazing around in the sun with its cubs or feeding on their prey even as the majestic Lion takes a snooze. One can also have fun watching the elephants uprooting branches and wild buffaloes fighting for their space. It is a fascinating world of animals in carefree abandon. Watching them engrossed in their daily activities, onlookers may feel like intruders.

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Kenya can rightly be referred to as the safari capital of the world with the variety of animals in its numerous wildlife parks. Visiting these spots is an experience that is both educative and enriching. One can surely learn a lesson or two from the animal family about methods of survival and making the best use of available resources.

Fact File

Area: 684 sq. km
Population: 3 million
Currency: Kenyan shillings
Language Spoken: Swahili, English
How to Reach: Kenyan Airways and other internal flights fly to Nairobi
Best Time to Visit: Aug. to October

Author Sunil S.
