Great Mother's Day Gifts: Special and Simple Presents for Mom

No matter how old you may be, buy or make your mom an extra special Mother's Day gift of flowers, candy or love notes. Make her day as special as she is.

Moms are special people – keepers of secrets; finders of lost toys; and wipers of runny noses, who eventually, become our very best friends.

Whether you're 5 or 55, buy or make mom an extra special Mother’s Day gift of flowers, candy or love notes. To our moms, we never “really” outgrow being her little girl or boy, so go ahead, make her day in an extraordinarily cute and special way. Dads, you'll want to give your little ones a helping hand with these nifty gifts.


Sure, you could buy mom a dozen roses or pick a simple bouquet of buttercups for her for Mother’s Day, and she would smile and say, “Thank you, dear. They’re lovely!” and she would mean it. Moms love flowers. However, show her how smart and creative you are with a simple old boot or two. Paint crafty designs on an adorable pair of out-grown children’s gumboots or dust-off a worn pair of western boots. Stand a narrow vase of her favourite flowers inside of one or each boot. This cute floral arrangement looks great sitting at the entrance of any home.


Most moms love an occasional “sweet-treat.” Fill a jar with delicious little goodies, like gumdrops, jellybeans and chocolate-covered coffee beans or any mix of mom’s most-loved candies, or batch of homemade cookies. Tape or glue a special photo of you and your mom or your whole family on the front of the jar. Use fancy gift-wrap or fabric over the lid, secured in place with a pretty ribbon. Mom could take this yummy pot of sweets to work to enjoy as a pick-me-up throughout the week following Mother’s Day – and brag about how “sweet” and special you are, to all of her coworkers.

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Love Notes

Love notes, homemade cards and poems will never go out of style as Mother’s Day gifts. Make mom a special card. Decorate it with cute stickers. Tape on a few cutout, hand-drawn pictures, a collage of pretty scrap-paper bits and/or nice photos. Write mom a simple poem on the inside of the card, telling her how much you love and appreciate her – you know, the; “roses are red, violets are blue...” kind of stuff.


Print a bunch of love notes and place them imaginatively around the house so that she will easily find them. Slip one in her slipper, so she will find it first thing in the morning. Tape one on the edge of the counter in front of the coffee pot and another one on the bathroom mirror. She is sure to tuck all of these memorable messages away in a special place, such as her heart.

Author Twinkle Brar

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