How to Survive a Black Bear Encounter or Attack

When a hiker or camper encounters a bear unexpectedly, he should remain calm and try the steps below to get to a safe distance as quickly as possible.

  • Back slowly away from the bear until the bear ignores further activity.
  • Make as much noise as possible such as banging pots and pans at a campsite, yelling and clapping.
  • Wave hands as high as possible to appear larger.
  • Do not turn away from the bear, and do not run.
  • Hike in groups and do not let children run ahead or lag behind.
  • Most bears, like many wild animals, are not interested in attacking and will either leave the area or allow the hiker to leave. However, if these suggestions do not work and the bear does attack, fight back with anything available. Rocks, sticks, hunting knives, and bear pepper spray are effective weapons. Make as much noise as possible, and play dead only as a last resort.
