Gemini and Scorpio's Differences

Gemini’s overactive appetite for variety in life is something few zodiac signs can truly keep up with and Scorpio is not one of them. Gemini loves fun and excitement and moves from one activity to another without stopping to finish what they start. They are a sign concerned largely with the surface of things. Scorpio on the other hand is a deeper sign, full of mystery. They will undoubtedly intrigue Gemini at first, but in time differences will emerge.

The downsides for a Scorpio with a Gemini partner is that Gemini’s traits tend to bring out the more insecure side of Scorpio’s personality. Scorpio tends to have a lot of pride. They want to make their partner happy; but Gemini cannot be made happy by one single thing. It is important Scorpio doesn’t feel insecure or jealous about this. It’s just Gemini’s way.

Scorpio is naturally jealous, possessive and protective over their partner; but Gemini cannot be possessed. They are an air sign and need to be free to see friends and enjoy themselves however they please. This will often leave Scorpio not getting enough attention.

Scorpio is an intense sign as well as deep. They need a deep connection and a surprising amount of reassurance from their partner which they are unlikely to get from Gemini. Scorpio and Taurus are a better combination in this respect. It is also important for star signs to be able to express their personality traits, other wise it can end up in a sense of unfulfillment or lack of confidence.

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For Gemini the relationship might seem a bit heavy. They are better suited to love with an air or fire sign, such as Gemini with Leo. With a fire sign Gemini finds adventure and passion. With a water sign, such as Scorpio, they find someone with complex emotions that Gemini finds hard to understand.
