What are the Causes of Stress

Stress is simply a fact of life. The causes of stress—known as stressors—can be anything that entails responsibility or a change in life. It’s important to remember that such things can be positive as well as negative, such as a promotion or a marriage. More important than the event itself, though, is how it is perceived.

For this reason, the particular roots of stress are not always important. Considered generally, stress can even be a good sign, insofar as it marks an eventful, meaningful life. Too much, though, is not only unpleasant—it can also be unproductive, marking harder to solve problems rather than focusing attention on them. For example, an illness brought on by stress will probably do nothing but heap on more stress.

The good news is that conquering stress is easy. Even better, the Texas Woman’s University—which can boast being the nation’s largest state-supported university for women as well as the world’s largest nursing doctoral program—has compiled an insightful and seemingly exhaustive list of methods for stress relief. Now isn’t that a load off?

Stress, Relieved

With these simple mental remedies always at the ready, constant, incurable stress won’t ever again be a stress in itself. Focus instead on the important things, and remember Goethe: “Never hurry; never rest.” And never stressed.
