A Guide to Using Private Resell Rights Content

This article looks at three key ways to use PLR articles in online content as a way to generate page views and sales leads in niche subjects. While many might view the use of PLR as controversial, when used with care, they are a great jump-start to a content creation process, provided that the guidelines in All About PLR Articles are respected.

The three key ways that are looked at here are:

  • in article repositories
  • on affiliate sales pages
  • in forums and on other open access networks

The important points to remember before using PLR are : never use them as-is, always back the content up with original research, and treat each one as being freely available to every other content creator in the niche.

Using PLR for Article Repositories

An article repository is a place where writers go to create content (articles) to readers interested in a specific topic. The articles are designed to be small digests of information, easily readable, usually with an emphasis on fact and not opinion.

Writers get paid for their content, usually as a proportion of revenue generated by their articles through related advertising.

Since these are not sales pages per se, it is even more important to:

  • check facts;
  • use only for inspiration;
  • rewrite 100%, enrich with research.

Using PLR for Affiliate Sales Pages

Although sales pages are less likely to be used as information sources, there still needs to be an emphasis on rewriting and fact checking. However, unlike Article Repositories, it is not usually necessary to do additional research.

The emphasis of the affiliate sales page is to drive traffic to the adverts, as that is how the site owner will generate revenue from the PLR content. To make sure that the content appears unique in the search result pages, rewriting is important, but with key phrase retention, as discussed in How to SEO with Adwords Keywords.

Using PLR in Forums and Open Access Networks

Finally, PLR content is very useful in answering Yahoo! Answers questions, making forum posts and publishing in open access networks like Squidoo or HubPages. The emphasis is similar to Affiliate Sales Pages, but also shares some aspects of the Article Repository in that the answers and opinions have some weight as an information resource.

For forums and Yahoo! Answers, the key is to use the content to drive visitors to the Article Repository piece, or Squidoo / Affiliate Sales page. The PLR then becomes a spark that can generate articles which are then linked to from Yahoo! Answers, forums, or similar sites.

Using PLR content is vital in a long term content generation strategy, unless the web site owner has the equivalent of a book (that's 100,000 words) of knowledge to impart in a short term.

The web moves so fast, and popular topics and keywords come and go with such regularity that it is almost impossible to keep up without using some kind of third party resource such as PLR. PLR articles offer a low cost route to the creation of useful content.
