How to Become Amazon Kindle Direct Publisher and Sell eBooks

Traditionally large commercial publishers have always had the advantage over small and independent publishers when it came to pricing and distribution, but Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing has changed the dynamics. The world of Kindle ebook selling does not depend on traditional brick and mortar retail store shelf placement.

There is an entire cost, distribution and relationship structure in place that acts as a barrier to small publishers gaining access to shelf space in retail stores. Corporate policies of large book retailers determine what will be included in their store inventories and that often does not included independent publishers’ books. Physical space and inventory limitations also are issues.

Kindle Direst Publishing Levels the Field

Kindle ebooks do not have those types of limitations. Ebooks exist inside computer servers and can be downloaded on demand when purchased. That means that the latest bestseller from the largest commercial book publisher can be displayed side by side with an independent title from a new author.

The issue of a pricing disadvantage for small publishers and independent authors is actually turned upside down. Large publishers have to be overly concerned about the price difference between their hardcover books and ebooks so they don’t cannibalize sales. Often large publishers will delay ebook versions of new bestsellers so they do not steal sales from the hard copy editions. An independent author can bring out new titles in Kindle format immediately because all of the profit is going to the author/publisher.

How to Become an Amazon Kindle Publisher

The setup for a publisher to set themselves up as a Amazon Kindle Direct publisher is relatively straightforward. The instructions are found on the Kindle Direct Publishing portion of the website.

There are other things you will need to become an Amazon Kindle publisher, something to publish such as a book or short story, a cover image and bank account information to input so payment can be made to your account. Another thing you should have is a cover image that represents your work so that it looks professional next to the corporate publisher’s bestseller. One other thing the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing provides is a product number called an AISN. Traditional books require an ISBN number for cataloguing purposes and that could cost hundreds of dollars so the free AISN is another cost barrier removed that was a barrier for independent publishers.

With the huge success of the Amazon Kindle ereader becoming an Amazon Kindle publisher is a viable option to get your literary works onto the market.
